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Protocolos do PNF e do ftp |
Post Office Protocol (PNF)
O protocolo POP3 permite todo o programa do email em qualquer lugar no Internet de conectar a qualquer usu�rio do email para executar as fun��es usuais do email, tais como a emiss�o e a leitura, contanto que tiverem um cliente e uma senha v�lidos.
POP3 � um padr�o aberto do Internet.
Os comandos POP3 comuns
Os comandos POP3 e as respostas comuns s�o alistados na seguinte tabela:
getwelcome () |
Gets the
greeting from the server. |
(username) |
Login with a
username. If valid username, server will respond with request for
password. |
(password) |
Send password.
If valid, server response will be two numbers, message count and mailbox
size. |
() |
Get the mailbox
status. Response is two numbers, message count and mailbox size.
([message]) |
Get list of
messages. An option "message" gets information on a specific message.
(message) |
Get message
number "message". |
(message) |
Delete message
number "message". |
() |
Remove all
deleted message markings. |
() |
No operation. Do
nothing. Really. Needed in unusual programming situations. |
() |
Quit. Commits
all changes, unlocks the mailbox, and ends the server connection.
(message, lines) |
Gets just the
first "lines" number of lines of message number "message". Useful on low
bandwidth lines to get just the first part of long messages.
([message]) |
Gets a unique id
list -- a message digest including unique ids. The option gets the
unique id for the specific message "message". |
Ftp (File Transfer Protocol)
O ftp � usado para a transmiss�o dos dados no formul�rio da lima de uma aplica��o � rede.
O ftp � respons�vel para quebrar dados para baixo em pacotes do IP antes que estejam emitidos, e para montar os pacotes quando chegam.
Uploading e downloading da lima podem ser feitas pelo ftp f�cilmente.
Sess�o do ftp
Uma sess�o do ftp envolve normalmente a intera��o de cinco elementos do software que � dada na seguinte tabela.
User Interface
This provides a user interface and drives the client protocol
Client PI
This is the client protocol interpreter. It issues commands to the
remote server protocol interpreter and it also drives the client data
transfer process.
Server PI
This is the server protocol interpreter which responds to commands
issued by the client protocol interpreter and drives the server data
transfer process.
Client DTP
This is the client data transfer process responsible for
communicating with the server data transfer process and the local file
Server DTP
This is the server data transfer process responsible for
communicating with the client data transfer process and the remote file
system. |
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