Operatore di Xpath
Un'espressione di XPath restituisce nodo-si � regolata, una stringa, un booleano, o un numero.
Operatori di XPath
Una lista degli operatori dati qui sotto: -
Operator |
Description |
Example |
Return value |
| |
Computes two node-sets |
//book | //cd |
Returns a node-set with all book and cd elements |
+ |
Addition |
6 + 4 |
10 |
- |
Subtraction |
6 - 4 |
2 |
* |
Multiplication |
6 * 4 |
24 |
div |
Division |
8 div 4 |
2 |
= |
Equal |
price=9.80 |
true if price is 9.80
false if price is 9.90 |
!= |
Not equal |
price!=9.80 |
true if price is 9.90
false if price is 9.80 |
< |
Less than |
price<9.80 |
true if price is 9.00
false if price is 9.80 |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
price<=9.80 |
true if price is 9.00
false if price is 9.90 |
> |
Greater than |
price>9.80 |
true if price is 9.90
false if price is 9.80 |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
price>=9.80 |
true if price is 9.90
false if price is 9.70 |
or |
or |
price=9.80 or price=9.70 |
true if price is 9.80
false if price is 9.50 |
and |
and |
price>9.00 and price<9.90 |
true if price is 9.80
false if price is 8.50 |
mod |
Modulus (division remainder) |
5 mod 2 |
1 |
Keywords: XPath Operators,
xpath value of,
xslt operators,
xsl operators,
xsl operator,
xslt operator,
xpath operator,
perl operators,
xpath tutorial,
javascript operators,
java operators,
c# operators,
xsl xpath,
xpath perl,
xpath reference,
javascript xpath,
xpath xml,
sql operators,
xpath syntax,
xpath xslt,
xpath examples,
c operators
php operators,
c++ operators,
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xpath functions,
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xpath name,
xpath attributes,
xpath example,
xpath text,
java xpath
xpath sort,
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xpath xmlns,
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xpath w3c,
xpath count,
xpath boolean,
xpath sql,
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xpath php,
xpath c++,
xpath xalan,
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xpath value