in linea
1. Struts was first developed
2. The reset method on an ActionForm
3. Each Struts Action element is uniquely identified by its
4. The name of the Application Resources file is set by the servlet init-param named
5. Struts Framework is well suited for application of ____ size.
6. The validating init-param of the ActionServlet is used to
7. Other name of Struts 2 was ________ .
8. To specify an ActionMapping to use when a request doesn't match any other mapping, you can
9. MVC is:
10. If you have created a custom ActionMapping subclass with the property "service", you can initialize the value to "selectRecord" using
11. What is Action Class ?
12. In Struts 1.1, you can change how Struts populates a form by
13. Which of these are not the parameters of Action Class ?
14. The <bean:write> tag is:
15. An ActionForm is a JavaBean which extends the:
16. To prevent possible security issues with the tag, you should
17. Use the following command to display the error on the jsp page:
18. From a MVC perspective, Struts provides the
19. To localize Tiles, you can
20. To localize Validator forms, you can
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