Java is an object-oriented programming language.<br><br>It is developed initially by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems.<br><br>Initially called Oak (named after the oak trees outside Gosling's office).<br><br>Java is multi-platform
Anatomy of a Java Application
Java programs which do run within a browser which is Java-compatible are known as applets.
Syntax and Semantics of Java
Here you will learn specifics about the syntax and semantics of Java programming language.
Java Objects, Classes, and Interfaces
Here you will learn how to create and destroy the objects, how to create class and subclass a classes, how to write the methods, and even how to create and use the interfaces.
Here you will learn how to create and destroy the objects.
Setting Program Attributes in Java
Application attributes are often called preferences and can often allow the user to configure various start up options.