Using ILU with Java
This tutorial will show how to use the ILU system with the programming
language Java, both as a way of developing software libraries, and as a way of
building distributed systems. In an extended example, we'll build an ILU module
that implements a simple four-function calculator, capable of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. It will signal an error if the user
attempts to divide by zero. The example demonstrates how to specify the
interface for the module; how to implement the module in Java; how to use that
implementation as a simple library; how to provide the module as a remote
service; how to write a client of that remote service; and how to use subtyping
to extend an object type and provide different versions of a module. We'll also
demonstrate how to use OMG IDL with ILU, and discuss the notion of network
garbage collection.
Each of the programs and files referenced in this tutorial is available as a
complete program in a separate appendix to this document; parts of programs are
quoted in the text of the tutorial.
Specifying the Interface
Our first task is to specify more exactly what it is we're trying to provide.
A typical four-function calculator lets a user enter a value, then press an
operation key, either +, -, /, or *, then enter another number, then press = to
actually have the operation happen. There's usually a CLEAR button to press to
reset the state of the calculator. We want to provide something like that.
We'll recast this a bit more formally as the interface of our module;
that is, the way the module will appear to clients of its functionality. The
interface typically describes a number of function calls which can be made into
the module, listing their arguments and return types, and describing their
effects. ILU uses object-oriented interfaces, in which the functions in
the interface are grouped into sets, each of which applies to an object type.
These functions are called methods.
For example, we can think of the calculator as an object type, with several
methods: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Clear, etc. ILU provides a standard
notation to write this down with, called ISL (which stands for "Interface
Specification Language"). ISL is a declarative language which can be processed
by computer programs. It allows you to define object types (with methods), other
non-object types, exceptions, and constants.
The interface for our calculator would be written in ISL as:
TYPE Calculator = OBJECT
SetValue (v : REAL),
GetValue () : REAL,
Add (v : REAL),
Subtract (v : REAL),
Multiply (v : REAL),
Divide (v : REAL) RAISES DivideByZero END
This defines an interface Tutorial, an exception DivideByZero,
and an object type Calculator. Let's consider these one by one.
The interface, Tutorial, is a way of grouping a number of type
and exception definitions. This is important to prevent collisions between names
defined by one group and names defined by another group. For example, suppose
two different people had defined two different object types, with different
methods, but both called Calculator! It would be impossible to tell
which calculator was meant. By defining the Calculator object type
within the scope of the Tutorial interface, this confusion can be
The exception, DivideByZero, is a formal name for a particular
kind of error, division by zero. Exceptions in ILU can specify an
exception-value type, as well, which means that real errors of that kind
have a value of the exception-value type associated with them. This allows the
error to contain useful information about why it might have come about. However,
DivideByZero is a simple exception, and has no exception-value type
defined. We should note that the full name of this exception is
Tutorial.DivideByZero, but for this tutorial we'll simply call our
exceptions and types by their short name.
The object type, Calculator (again, really
Tutorial.Calculator), is a set of six methods. Two of those methods,
SetValue and GetValue, allow us to enter a number into
the calculator object, and "read" the number. Note that SetValue
takes a single argument, v, of type REAL. REAL
is a built-in ISL type, denoting a 64-bit floating point number. Built-in ISL
types are things like INTEGER (32-bit signed integer), BYTE
(8-bit unsigned byte), and CHARACTER (16-bit Unicode character).
Other more complicated types are built up from these simple types using ISL
type constructors, such as SEQUENCE OF, RECORD, or
Note also that SetValue does not return a value, and neither do
Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide.
Rather, when you want to see what the current value of the calculator is, you
must call GetValue, a method which has no arguments, but which
returns a REAL value, which is the value of the calculator object.
This is an arbitrary decision on our part; we could have written the interface
differently, say as
TYPE NotOurCalculator = OBJECT
SetValue () : REAL,
Add (v : REAL) : REAL,
Subtract (v : REAL) : REAL,
Multiply (v : REAL) : REAL,
Divide (v : REAL) : REAL RAISES DivideByZero END
-- but we didn't.
Our list of methods on Calculator is bracketed by the two
keywords METHODS and END, and the elements are
separated from each other by commas. This is pretty standard in ISL: elements of
a list are separated by commas; the keyword END is used when an
explicit list-end marker is needed (but not when it's not necessary, as in the
list of arguments to a method); the list often begins with some keyword, like
METHODS. The raises clause (the list of exceptions which a
method might raise) of the method Divide provides another example
of a list, this time with only one member, introduced by the keyword
Another standard feature of ISL is separating a name, like v,
from a type, like REAL, with a colon character. For example,
constants are defined with syntax like
Definitions, of interface, types, constants, and exceptions, are terminated with
a semicolon.
We should expand our interface a bit by adding more documentation on what our
methods actually do. We can do this with the docstring feature of ISL,
which allows the user to add arbitrary text to object type definitions and
method definitions. Using this, we can write
"this error is signalled if the client of the Calculator calls
the Divide method with a value of 0";
TYPE Calculator = OBJECT
DOCUMENTATION "4-function calculator"
SetValue (v : REAL) "Set the value of the calculator to `v'",
GetValue () : REAL "Return the value of the calculator",
Add (v : REAL) "Adds `v' to the calculator's value",
Subtract (v : REAL) "Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value",
Multiply (v : REAL) "Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'",
Divide (v : REAL) RAISES DivideByZero END
"Divides the calculator's value by `v'"
Note that we can use the DOCUMENTATION keyword on object types to
add documentation about the object type, and can simply add documentation
strings to the end of exception and method definitions. These docstrings would
be passed on to the lisp docstring system, so that they are available at runtime
from lisp. Documentation strings cannot currently be used for non-object types
or from Java.
ILU provides a program, islscan, which can be used to check the
syntax of an ISL specification. islscan parses the specification
and summarizes it to standard output:
% islscan Tutorial.isl
Interface "Tutorial", imports "ilu"
{defined on line 1
of file /tmp/tutorial/Tutorial.isl (Fri Jan 27 09:41:12 1995)}
real {<built-in>, referenced on 10 11 12 13 14 15}
Calculator {defined on line 17}
SetValue (v : real); {defined 10, id 1}
"Set the value of the calculator to `v'"
GetValue () : real; {defined 11, id 2}
"Return the value of the calculator"
Add (v : real); {defined 12, id 3}
"Adds `v' to the calculator's value"
Subtract (v : real); {defined 13, id 4}
"Subtracts `v' from the calculator's value"
Multiply (v : real); {defined 14, id 5}
"Multiplies the calculator's value by `v'"
Divide (v : real) {DivideByZero}; {defined 16, id 6}
"Divides the calculator's value by `v'"
"4-function calculator"
unique id: ilu:cigqcW09P1FF98gYVOhf5XxGf15
DivideByZero {defined on line 5, refs 15}
islscan simply lists the types defined in the interface,
separating out object types (which it calls "classes"), the exceptions, and the
constants. Note that for the Calculator object type, it also lists
something called its unique id. This is a 160-bit number (expressed in
base 64) that ILU assigns automatically to every type, as a way of
distinguishing them. While it might interesting to know that it exists (:-), the
ILU user never has know what it is; islscan supplies it for the
convenience of the ILU implementors, who sometimes do have to know it.
Implementing the True Module
After we've defined an interface, we then need to supply an implementation of
our module. Implementations can be done in any language supported by ILU. Which
language you choose often depends on what sort of operations have to be
performed in implementing the specific functions of the module. Different
languages have specific advantages and disadvantages in different areas. Another
consideration is whether you wish to use the implementation mainly as a library,
in which case it should probably be done in the same language as the rest of
your applications, or mainly as a remote service, in which case the specific
implementation language is less important.
We'll demonstrate an implementation of the Calculator object
type in Java, which is one of the most capable of all the ILU-supported
languages. This is just a matter of defining a Java class, corresponding to the
Tutorial.Calculator type. Before we do that, though, we'll explain
how the names and signatures of the Java functions are arrived at.
What the Interface Looks Like in Java
For every programming language supported by ILU, there is a standard
mapping defined from ISL to that programming language. This mapping defines
what ISL type names, exception names, method names, and so on look like in that
programming language.
The mapping for Java is simple. For type names, such as
Tutorial.Calculator, the Java name of the ISL type Interface.Name
is Interface.Name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. That
is, the name of the interface in ISL becomes the name of a class in Java. So the
name of our Calculator type in Java would be
Tutorial.Calculator, which is really the name of a Java class.
The Java mapping for a method name such as SetValue is the
method name, with any hyphens replaced by underscores. The return type of this
Java method is whatever is specified in the ISL specification for the method, or
void if no type is specified. The arguments for the Java method are
the same as specified in the ISL; their types are the Java types corresponding
to the ISL types. An instance is simply a value of that type. Thus the Java
method corresponding to our ISL SetValue would have the prototype
void SetValue(float v) throws xerox.ilu.SystemException
Similarly, the signatures for the all methods, in Java, are encapsulated in
this generated interface
package Tutorial;
public interface Calculator extends xerox.ilu.IluObject{
public void SetValue(double v)
throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
public double GetValue()
throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
public void Add(double v)
throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
public void Subtract(double v)
throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
public void Multiply(double v)
throws xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
public void Divide(double v)
throws DivideByZero, xerox.ilu.IluSystemException;
} //Calculator
Note that we don't always want to generate code in a package name derived
directly from the interface name. The stubber allows to specify a prefix
Note that even though most methods do not raise an exception, we still
dedclare the system exceptions. The mapping of exception names is similar to the
mapping used for types. So the exception Tutorial.DivideByZero
would also have the name Tutorial.DivideByZero, in Java.
One way to see what all the Java names for an interface look like is to run
the program java-stubber. This program reads an ISL file, and
generates the necessary Java code to support that interface in Java. One of the
files generated is `', which contains the
definitions of all the Java types for that interface.
% java-stubber Tutorial.isl
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
writing file javastubs/Tutorial/
Building the Implementation
Now we provide an implementation of our object; the CalculatorImpl class
implement the generated Java interface for our Calculator
package Tutorial;
* While this class complies to the Tutorial.isl specification
* it is a local implementation. Its instances need to be
* registered explicitely or implicitely with Ilu before they
* are publicly accessible.
public class CalculatorImpl implements
Tutorial.Calculator {
double theValue = 0.0;
public CalculatorImpl(){
theValue = 0.0;
public void SetValue(double v) {
theValue = v;
public double GetValue() {
return theValue;
public void Add(double v) {
theValue = theValue + v;
public void Subtract(double v) {
theValue = theValue - v;
public void Multiply(double v) {
theValue = theValue * v;
public void Divide(double v) throws Tutorial.DivideByZero {
if (v==0.0) throw new Tutorial.DivideByZero();
theValue = theValue / v;
} //CalculatorImpl
Each instance of a Tutorial.CalculatorImpl implements a
Tutorial.Calculator. Each has an instance variable called theValue,
which maintains a running total of the `accumulator' for that instance. We can
create an instance of a Tutorial.CalculatorImpl object by simply
calling new Tutorial.CalculatorImpl().
So, a very simple program to use the Tutorial module might be
the following:
* A simple client program that demonstrates the use of the
* Calculator module as a library.
* Run this like
* java Tutorial.simple1 number [number...]
package Tutorial;
public class simple1 {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
CalculatorImpl calc;
//create the calculator
calc = new CalculatorImpl();
if (calc==null) {
System.err.println("Got null TapeCalculator");
//clear the calculator before using it
//now loop over the arguments, adding each in turn
int i = 0;
while (i<argv.length) {
Double v = Double.valueOf(argv[i]); //don't bother about exceptions
i = i+1;
//and print the result
System.out.println("The sum is " + calc.GetValue());
} //main
} //simple1
This program would be compiled and then run as follows:
% java Tutorial.simple1 34.9 45.23111 12
the sum is 92.13111
This is a completely self-contained use of the Tutorial
implementation; when a method is called, it is the true method that is invoked.
The use of ILU in this program adds some overhead in terms of included code, but
has almost the same performance as a version of this program that does not use
Using ILU generated interfaces
Lets do this little change: instead of
CalculatorImpl calc;
calc = new CalculatorImpl();
we will write
Tutorial.Calculator calc;
calc = new CalculatorImpl();
This obvously doesn't cause any real change but conceptionally the change is
quite large: calc isn't simply a local class anymore but now is the java
interface representing the ILU object.