Transports and Upgrade
Meaning behind those unconditional tp command mode
anyone tell me what's the meaning behind all those unconditional mode U1
or U126 or U148 or anything?
tp import transportrequest <sid> clientxxx U1
tp import transportrequest <sid> clientxxx U126
tp import transportrequest <sid> clientxxx U148
The u stands for unconditional force ( how hard you want to force the request
into the system - do you want to overwrite without warnings, or softly try to
load the objects).
0: Called a overtaker; change request can be imported from buffer without
deleting it and then uncoditional mode 1 is used to allow another import in the
correct location.
1: If U1 is used with the export then it ignores the correct status of the
command file; and if it is used with import then it lets the user import the
same change request again.
2: When used with tp export, it dictates the program to not to expand the
selection with TRDIR brackets. If used in tp import phase, it overwrites the
3: When used with tp import, it overwrites the system-dependant objects.
5: During the import to the consolidation system it permits the source
systems other than the integration system.
6: When used in import phase, it helps to overwrite objects in unconfirmed
8: During import phase it ignores the limitations caused by the table
9: During import it ignores that the system is locked for this kind of
u128 is combination of 128 OF THE above points.
Transport guide Tips for Different SAP Objects
You may be wondering if you can transport certain SAP objects, and if
possible, how?
Here are tips for different objects:
1 LSMW There are 2 ways for transporting LSMW data from a system
to another.
1.1 Export/import This method gives you the opportunity to select the
subprojects or objects you want to transfer. Hence you don't transfer the object
a colleague might have created and that should stay in development system. LSMW
-> Extras -> Export project
1.2 Transport request With this method, you can transport a LSMW project in
full (you can not select the objects you want). With this method, the project
will be transported as any other SAP object in a transport order.
LSMW -> Extras -> Create change request
2 Program variants
If you have several program variants in a development system that you want to
transport, use the following method to transport them:
Execute program RSTRANSP (via se38) and inform the program and/or variant names
(you can transport variant of several programs in one shot).
3 Layout In some transactions, one can save layout of the screen (sort,
filter, ... criteria).
These layouts can be transported: In the required transaction, when your layouts
have been saved, go to Settings -> Layout -> Layout Management. Select the
desired layouts and go to Layout -> Transport� There you can add your layouts in
existing TO or create a new one.
DB data
In some unusual cases, you might have to transport data of a SAP table.
Go to transaction SE16, select your entries and go to Table entry -> Transport
entries. It's only possible for some tables...
If you cannot do it that way, you have to create a Workbench transport order
with transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task ->
Object list -> Display object list.
Go in modification mode and add a new line with:
PgmID = R3TR
Obj = TABU
Object name = Name of your table
Double-click on the created line and, depending on your need, put '*' in the
key field or double-click on it and select the key you need to transport.
4 Queries
Queries, datasets and user groups can be exported/imported between the systems
thanks to the program RSAQR3TR.
5 Standard texts
Standard texts used in SAPScript (created with transaction SO10) can be included
in transport orders. You have to create a Workbench transport order with
transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task -> Object
list -> Display object list. Go in modification mode and add a new line with:
PgmID = R3TR
Obj = TEXT
Object name = TEXT,,ST,
Example :
You can also copy a Sapscript object (like standard text) with the program
How to transfer a executable report from dev server to prd server? And
that report contains one user defined view. I want to transfer *the report and
the view* from dev to prd.
At the time of creating the report itself it will ask you to select the
Here you should select the package instead of $TMP package, which for
transporting the objects and create a new request and save it. If you want to
give a TCode for the program that you have created just give SE93 in the GUI
Window and give the TCode name there and enter the Create button. there you
should give the name of the object or program that you have created and save it.
After completing this go to SE09 TCode and select the MODIFIABLE Check box and
press DISPLAY Button.
In the next screen you have to select the Request that you have created and
click the check syntax icon. If no errors are there then you can press the
Release Directy icon to transport the request to the Quality system. From there
it has to be transported to the Production System. The latter part BASIS will
take care.
Transport Request within same Server Different Clients
I have 3 clients under one SID (dev 130,140,150).
And we have more than 400+ transport requests in client 130. How can we
transport these requests to other clients of 140 & 150. If I want to use tcode
SCC1, that can be done only one tran. request at one time.
Do I need to write a script within unix?
SAP 4.6C
Oracle 9.2
AIX 5.2
Click on the "import overview"
Double click on your target system
Click "refresh"
Click on "import all request" or ctrl+F9
Specify the target client
Execute the transport
But this will import all request.....thousands of them...
You can use Extended Transport Control.
Extended Transport Control is another way to set up the Transport Route so
that the route is system and CLIENT specific.
In other words, when you release a change request in DEV Client 0XX it will
not only automatically be added to the Import Queue for QAS but also 0X1, 0X2,
of DEV.
To set this up requires the steps below:
1) Open the file TP_DOMAIN_DEV.PFL (located on your transport domain
controller such as the DEV box. The file will be in usrsaptrans/bin)
Edit with notepad for each parameter on each system:
Change to =1
2) Next you need to create Target Group before creating the transport
Create a Target Group:
Access the initial screen of the graphical or the hierarchical editor in change
mode. STMS > Overview > Transport Routes (the default editor will appear, either
Hierarchical or Graphical, to change the default editor : STMS > Extras >
Settings > Transport Routes. You can also switch to one or the other from Goto >
Graphical Editor.)
> Configuration > Display Change > (or change icon or F5)
Edit > Transport Target Groups > Create
In the dialog box, Create Target Group:
Enter a name for the target group /GR_QA/ (The name must begin and end with a
forward slash /)
...and a description Targets for Consolidation route
Choose "Insert line"
Enter the required target system/client combinations
Use a separate line for each client.
Target System
Target Client
Client Name
Quality Assurance System
The idea is that we want to include the clients that will get an addition to
their import queue when we release a change request from DEV.
Choose Transfer
Now you have to change the transport route to include the Target Group you
STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes >
Now create a Transport Route with Extented Transport Control:
STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes
> Create > Extended Transport Control icon at lower left of dialog box. >
Consolidation route, enter integration system and transport layer. In Target
system/client enter the SID of either an R/3 System and a client or an existing
Target Group.
Each System must be specified by System and Client. The Target Group can be
used for the consolidation system.
Distribute and activate the changes as usual by choosing Configuration >
Distribute and activate
NOTE: After you set up Extended Transport Control there might be requests in
an import queue that will show a red status in the CTL column. This is because
these change requests need a client specified before they can be imported. These
are old requests that were already in the queue.
From Import Queue Screen Mark the change request
Choose Request > Target Client > Set
Enter the Target Client ID and choose Enter.
To change a target client before starting an import:
Import Queue Screen > mark Change request > target client > change > enter
target client id and choose enter.