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Protocoles de BRUIT et de ftp |
Post Office Protocol (BRUIT)
Le protocole POP3 permet � n'importe quel programme d'email n'importe o� sur l'Internet de se relier � n'importe quel serveur d'email pour ex�cuter les fonctions habituelles d'email, telles que l'envoi et la lecture, tant que elles ont un compte et un mot de passe valides.
POP3 est une norme ouverte d'Internet.
Les commandes POP3 communes
Les commandes POP3 et les r�ponses communes sont �num�r�es dans la table suivante :
getwelcome () |
Gets the
greeting from the server. |
(username) |
Login with a
username. If valid username, server will respond with request for
password. |
(password) |
Send password.
If valid, server response will be two numbers, message count and mailbox
size. |
() |
Get the mailbox
status. Response is two numbers, message count and mailbox size.
([message]) |
Get list of
messages. An option "message" gets information on a specific message.
(message) |
Get message
number "message". |
(message) |
Delete message
number "message". |
() |
Remove all
deleted message markings. |
() |
No operation. Do
nothing. Really. Needed in unusual programming situations. |
() |
Quit. Commits
all changes, unlocks the mailbox, and ends the server connection.
(message, lines) |
Gets just the
first "lines" number of lines of message number "message". Useful on low
bandwidth lines to get just the first part of long messages.
([message]) |
Gets a unique id
list -- a message digest including unique ids. The option gets the
unique id for the specific message "message". |
Ftp (File Transfer Protocol)
Le ftp est employ� pour la transmission des donn�es sous forme de dossier d'une application au r�seau.
Le ftp est responsable de casser des donn�es vers le bas en paquets d'IP avant qu'elles soient envoy�es, et d'assembler les paquets quand ils arrivent.
T�l�charger et t�l�charger du dossier peuvent �tre faits par le ftp facilement.
Session de ftp
Une session de ftp implique normalement l'interaction de cinq �l�ments de logiciel qui est donn�e dans la table suivante.
User Interface
This provides a user interface and drives the client protocol
Client PI
This is the client protocol interpreter. It issues commands to the
remote server protocol interpreter and it also drives the client data
transfer process.
Server PI
This is the server protocol interpreter which responds to commands
issued by the client protocol interpreter and drives the server data
transfer process.
Client DTP
This is the client data transfer process responsible for
communicating with the server data transfer process and the local file
Server DTP
This is the server data transfer process responsible for
communicating with the client data transfer process and the remote file
system. |
POP and FTP protocols, ftp for windows, pop yahoo mail, open source ftp, ftp file transfer, pop mail server, outlook express pop, pop e mail, pop smtp server, ssh ftp, ftp port, ftp freeware, ftp client
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