Now it is the time to get your RSS file up on the web. It will done in some steps.
1. Name your RSS file. It will always care that the file must have an .xml extension.
2. Validate your RSS file .
3. Uploaded the RSS file to your web directory on the your web server.
4. Copy the little or button to your web directory.
5. Put the little "RSS" or "XML" button on the page where you will offer RSS to the world (e.g. on your home page).
Then add a link to the button that links to the RSS file. The code will look something like this:
<a href="/frwww.academictutorials/rss/rss1.xml">
<img src="" width="36" height="14">
6. Submit your RSS feed to the RSS Feed Directories (you can Google or Yahoo for "RSS Feed Directories").
Note! The URL to your feed is not your home page,
it is the URL to your feed, like "".
Here are some free RSS aggregation services:
Syndic8: Over 300,000 feeds listed.
Register your feed here.
Daypop: Over 50,000 feeds.
Register your feed here.
Newsisfree: Over 18,000 feeds.
Register your feed here.
7. Register your feed with the major search engines:
Yahoo -
Google -
8. Update your feed - Now you have gotten RSS feed buttons from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Now you must make sure that you update your content frequently and that your RSS feed is constantly available.