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Le mod�le d'objet de document est un approuv� standard de fonctionnement par le W3C qui est correctement mis en application dans la plupart des navigateurs modernes.


Le mod�le d'objet de document (DOM) est une interface de programmation d'application (api). Essentiellement, il fournit une plateforme o� les langages de programmation mettent en bo�te le � entretien � aux documents de HTML et de XML. Habituellement le langage de programmation qui fait parler en employant le Javascript.

DOM contre le mod�le d'objet de DHTML

Le mod�le d'objet de document a �volu� du mod�le d'objet de DHTML, mais on peut contester qu'il est plut�t une r�volution qu'une �volution. Le mod�le d'objet de DHTML vous laisse mettre � jour et acc�der � des objets de HTML individuellement. Chaque �tiquette de HTML peut �tre manoeuvr�e et acc�d�e par l'interm�diaire de ses attributs de NOM et d'identification. Chaque objet ont ses propres propri�t�s, m�thodes, et �v�nements. Vous pouvez employer les attributs locaux de mise � jour de propri�t�s de l'objet. Vous pouvez employer les m�thodes pour manoeuvrer les objets et pour tirer profit des �v�nements pour d�clencher des cons�quences pr�d�finies.

Le DOM est beaucoup plus g�n�ral que l'objet Model.Not de DHTML juste pour une �tiquette simple de HTML qu'il fournit un mod�le pour le document entier. Le DOM repr�sente un document comme arbre. Chaque noeud de l'arbre repr�sente une �tiquette de HTML. La structure arborescente d�crit exactement le document entier de HTML, y compris des rapports entre les �tiquettes et les entr�es textuelles � la page. Un rapport peut �tre du type enfant, parents et enfant de m�mes parents.

Pour acc�der � un �l�ment ?

L'�l�ment doit avoir un attribut d'identification et une langue scripting est n�cessaire. Le Javascript est la langue scripting la plus compatible pour le navigateur, ainsi nous employons le Javascript.

<h1 id="header">My header</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">

rendement de manuscrit ci-dessus qui changent la couleur :

My Header

Objets de DHTML DOM
Avec l'aide du Javascript, vous pouvez manoeuvrer et acc�der � tous les objets de HTML DOM.
Voici une liste d'objets de mod�le d'objet de document et leurs collections, propri�t�s, m�thodes et �v�nements.

Object Description
Anchor Represents an HTML a element (a hyperlink)
Applet Represents an HTML applet element. The applet element is used to place executable content on a page
Area Represents an area of an image-map. An image-map is an image with clickable regions
Base Represents an HTML base element
Basefont Represents an HTML basefont element
Body Represents the body of the document (the HTML body)
Button Represents a push button on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="button"> tag on an HTML form, a Button object is created
Checkbox Represents a checkbox on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="checkbox"> tag on an HTML form, a Checkbox object is created
Document Used to access all elements in a page
Event Represents the state of an event, such as the element in which the event occurred, the state of the keyboard keys, the location of the mouse, and the state of the mouse buttons
FileUpload For each instance of an HTML <input type="file"> tag on a form, a FileUpload object is created
Form Forms are used to prompt users for input. Represents an HTML form element
Frame Represents an HTML frame
Frameset Represents an HTML frameset
Hidden Represents a hidden field on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="hidden"> tag on a form, a Hidden object is created
History A predefined object which can be accessed through the history property of the Window object. This object consists of an array of URLs. These URLs are all the URLs the user has visited within a browser window
Iframe Represents an HTML inline-frame
Image Represents an HTML img element
Link Represents an HTML link element. The link element can only be used within the <head> tag
Location Contains information about the current URL
Meta Represents an HTML meta element
Navigator Contains information about the client browser
Option Represents an option in a selection list on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <option> tag in a selection list on a form, an Option object is created
Password Represents a password field on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="password"> tag on a form, a Password object is created
Radio Represents radio buttons on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="radio"> tag on a form, a Radio object is created
Reset Represents a reset button on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="reset"> tag on a form, a Reset object is created
Screen Automatically created by the JavaScript runtime engine and it contains information about the client's display screen
Select Represents a selection list on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <select> tag on a form, a Select object is created
Style Represents an individual style statement. This object can be accessed from the document or from the elements to which that style is applied
Submit Represents a submit button on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="submit"> tag on a form, a Submit object is created
Table Represents an HTML table element
TableData Represents an HTML td element
TableHeader Represents an HTML th element
TableRow Represents an HTML tr element
Text Represents a text field on an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML <input type="text"> tag on a form, a Text object is created
Textarea Represents an HTML textarea element
Window Corresponds to the browser window. A Window object is created automatically with every instance of a <body> or <frameset> tag

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Keywordsnetscape 4 download, netscape communicator, netscape 4 downloads, netscape 4 mozilla

HTML Quizes
CSS Quiz
CSS 1.0 Quiz
CSS 2.0 Quiz
XML Quizes
XML Quiz
XSL Quiz
DTD Quiz
Schema Quiz
XForms Quiz
XLink Quiz
XQuery Quiz
XPath Quiz
XPointer Quiz
RDF Quiz
RSS Quiz
WAP Quiz
Web Services Quiz
Browser Scripting Quizes
JavaScript Quiz
VBScript Quiz
WMLScript Quiz
E4X Quiz
Server Scripting Quizes
ASP Quiz
SQL Quiz
ADO Quiz
CVS Quiz
Python Quiz
Apple Script Quiz
SQL Server Quiz
PHP Quiz
.NET (dotnet) Quizes
Microsoft.Net Quiz
ASP.Net Quiz
.Net Mobile Quiz
C# : C Sharp Quiz
VC++ Quiz
Multimedia Quizes
SVG Quiz
Flash Quiz
Media Quiz
Photoshop Quiz
Gimp Quiz
Matlab Quiz
Gnuplot Programming Quiz
GIF Animation Quiz
Scientific Visualization Quiz
Graphics Quiz
Web Building  Quizes
Web Browsers Quiz
Web Hosting Quiz
W3C Quiz
Web Building Quiz
Web Quality Quiz
Web Semantic Quiz
Web Careers Quiz
Weblogic Quiz
SEO Quiz
Web Site Hosting Quiz
Domain Name Quiz
Java Quizes
Java Quiz
JSP Quiz
Servlets Quiz
Struts Quiz
EJB Quiz
JMS Quiz
JMX Quiz
Eclipse Quiz
J2ME Quiz
Programming Langauges Quizes
C Quiz
C++ Quiz
Visual Basic Quiz
Data Structures Using C Quiz
Cobol Quiz
Assembly Language Quiz
Mainframe Quiz
Forth Programming Quiz
Lisp Programming Quiz
Pascal Quiz
Delphi Quiz
Fortran Quiz
OOPs Quiz
Data Warehousing Quiz
CGI Programming Quiz
Emacs Quiz
Gnome Quiz
ILU Quiz
Soft Skills Quizes
Communication Skills Quiz
Time Management Quiz
Project Management Quiz
Team Work Quiz
Leadership Skills Quiz
Corporate Communication Quiz
Negotiation Skills Quiz
Database Quizes
Oracle Quiz
MySQL Quiz
Operating System Quizes
BSD Quiz
Symbian Quiz
Unix Quiz
Internet Quiz
IP-Masquerading Quiz
IPC Quiz
Software Testing Quizes
Testing Quiz
Firewalls Quiz
SAP Module Quizes
ERP Quiz
Business Warehousing Quiz
SAP Basis Quiz
Material Management Quiz
Sales & Distribution Quiz
Human Resource Quiz
Netweaver Quiz
Customer Relationship Management Quiz
Production and Planning Quiz
Networking Programming Quizes
Corba Quiz
Networking Quiz
Microsoft Office Quizes
Microsoft Word Quiz
Microsoft Outlook Quiz
Microsoft PowerPoint Quiz
Microsoft Publisher Quiz
Microsoft Excel Quiz
Microsoft Front Page Quiz
Microsoft InfoPath Quiz
Microsoft Access Quiz
Accounting Quizes
Financial Accounting Quiz
Managerial Accounting Quiz

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