Chapter 4: Processing Forms and Sending Mail
Most forms you create will send their data using the POST method. POST is
more secure than GET, since the data isn't sent as part of the URL, and you can
send more data with POST. Also, your browser, web server, or proxy server may
cache GET queries, but posted data is resent each time.
Your web browser, when sending form data, encodes the data being sent.
Alphanumeric characters are sent as themselves; spaces are converted to plus
signs (+); other characters � like tabs, quotes, etc. � are converted to "%HH" �
a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the
character. This is called URL encoding.
In order to do anything useful with the data, your program must decode these.
Fortunately the module does this work for you. You access the decoded
form values the same way you did with GET:
So you already know how to process forms! You can try it now by changing your
getform.html form to method="POST" (rather than method="GET"). You'll see that
it works identically whether you use GET or POST. Even though the data is sent
differently, handles it for you automatically.
The Old Way of Decoding Form Data
Before was bundled with Perl, CGI programmers had to write their own
form-parsing code. If you read some older CGI books (including the first edition
of this book), or if you're debugging old code, you'll probably encounter the
old way of decoding form data. Here's what it looks like:
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
This code block reads the posted form data from standard input, loops through
the fieldname=value fields in the form, and uses the pack function
to do URL-decoding. Then it stores each fieldname/value pair in a hash called
This code is deprecated and should be avoided; use instead. If you
want to upgrade an old program that uses the above code block, you can replace
it with this:
Or you could use the Vars function:
Either method will replace the old form-parsing code, although keep in mind
that this will not work if your form has multiple fields with the same name.
We'll look at how to handle those in the next chapter.
Guestbook Form
One of the first CGI programs you're likely to want to add to your website is
a guestbook program, so let's start writing one. First create your HTML form.
The actual fields can be up to you, but a bare minimum might look like this:
(Stylistically it's better NOT to include a "reset" button on forms like
this. It's unlikely the visitor will want to erase what they've typed, and more
likely they'll accidentally hit "reset" instead of "send", which can be an
aggravating experience. They may not bother to re-fill the form in such cases.)
Now you need to create post.cgi. This is nearly identical to the get.cgi from
last chapter, so you may just want to copy that program and make changes:
Program 4-1: post.cgi - Form Processing Program Using POST
Test your program by entering some data into the fields, and pressing "send"
when finished. Notice that the data is not sent in the URL this time, as it was
with the GET example.
Of course, this form doesn't actually DO anything with the data, which
doesn't make it much of a guestbook. Let's see how to send the data in e-mail.
Sending Mail
There are several ways to send mail. We'll be using the sendmail program for
these examples. If you're using a non-Unix system (or a Unix without sendmail
installed), there are a number of third-party Perl modules that you can use to
achieve the same effect.
Before you can write your form-to-mail CGI program, you'll need to figure out
where the sendmail program is installed on your webserver. (For, it's
in /usr/sbin/sendmail. If you're not sure where it is, try doing which
sendmail or whereis sendmail; usually one of these two commands will
yield the correct location.)
Since we're using the -T flag for taint checking, the first thing you need to
do before connecting to sendmail is set the PATH environment variable:
The path should be the directory where sendmail is located; if sendmail is in
/usr/sbin/sendmail, then $ENV{PATH} should be "/usr/sbin". If it's in
/var/lib/sendmail, then $ENV{PATH} should be "/var/lib".
Next you open a pipe to the sendmail program:
The pipe (which is indicated by the | character) causes all of the output
printed to that filehandle (MAIL) to be fed directly to the /usr/sbin/sendmail
program as if it were standard input to that program. Several flags are also
passed to sendmail:
-t |
Read message for recipients. To:, Cc:, and Bcc: lines will be
scanned for recipient addresses |
-oi |
Ignore dots alone on lines by themselves in incoming messages. |
The -t flag tells sendmail to look at the message headers to determine who
the mail is being sent to. You'll have to print all of the message headers
Remember that you can safely put an @-sign inside a single-quoted string,
like '[email protected]', or you can escape the @-sign in double-quoted
strings by using a backslash ("sender\").
The message headers are complete when you print a single blank line following
the header lines. We've accomplished this by printing two newlines at the end of
the subject header:
After that, you can print the body of your message.
Let's try it. Start a new file named guestbook.cgi, and edit it as follows.
You don't need to include the comments in the following code; they are just
there to show you what's happening.
Program 4-2: guestbook.cgi - Guestbook Program
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
print header;
print start_html("Results");
# Set the PATH environment variable to the same path
# where sendmail is located:
$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/sbin";
# open the pipe to sendmail
open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t") or
&dienice("Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n");
# change this to your own e-mail address
my $recipient = '[email protected]';
# Start printing the mail headers
# You must specify who it's to, or it won't be delivered:
print MAIL "To: $recipient\n";
# From should probably be the webserver.
print MAIL "From: nobody\\n";
# print a subject line so you know it's from your form cgi.
print MAIL "Subject: Form Data\n\n";
# Now print the body of your mail message.
foreach my $p (param()) {
print MAIL "$p = ", param($p), "\n";
# Be sure to close the MAIL input stream so that the
# message actually gets mailed.
# Now print a thank-you page
print <<EndHTML;
<h2>Thank You</h2>
<p>Thank you for writing!</p>
<p>Return to our <a href="index.html">home page</a>.</p>
print end_html;
# The dienice subroutine handles errors.
sub dienice {
my($errmsg) = @_;
print "<h2>Error</h2>\n";
print "<p>$errmsg</p>\n";
print end_html;
Save and chmod the file, then modify your guestbook.html form so that the
action points to guestbook.cgi:
Try testing the form. If the program runs successfully, you'll get e-mail in
a few moments with the results of your post. (Remember to change
$recipient to your email address!)
In the guestbook program we used a new structure: a subroutine called
"dienice." A subroutine is a user-defined function. You've already used
functions like param and start_html from the
module, and built-in functions like shift and pop . You
can also define your own custom functions.
In the mail program, the dienice subroutine is only called if
the program can't open the pipe to sendmail. Rather than aborting and giving you
a server error (or worse, NO error), you want your program to give you some
useful data about what went wrong; dienice does that, by printing
the error message and closing HTML tags, and exiting the program. We'll be using
the dienice subroutine throughout the rest of the book, as a
generic catch-all error-handler.
Subroutines are useful for isolating blocks of code that are reused
frequently in your program. The structure of a subroutine is as follows:
The subroutine block starts with the word sub , followed by the
name of the subroutine. The code for the subroutine is then enclosed in curly
braces { }.
Subroutines can be placed anywhere in your program, though for readability
it's usually best to put them at the end, after the main program code.
To invoke a subroutine, enter the subroutine name and an optional list of
You may prefix the subroutine name with an &-sign:
The &-sign is optional. However, we'll be using this syntax throughout the
book to differentiate calls to subroutines we've written ourselves. Calls to
built-in functions or functions provided by external modules will not have this
Here is an example of a call to a subroutine named "mysub" with three
The arguments are passed to the subroutine in the special Perl array @_. You
can then assign the elements of that array to special temporary variables, like
In this example, the my function limits the scope of $arg1, $arg2 and $arg3
to the mysub subroutine. This keeps your temporary variables visible only to the
subroutine itself (where they're actually needed and used), rather than to the
entire program (where they're not needed). This also means if you change one of
the variables inside your subroutine, the value of the original variable won't
change (unless it's a reference, which we'll look at next).
Passing Arrays and Hashes to Subroutines
When passing an array (or a hash) to a subroutine, the array is expanded into
a list of its values. This might be okay if the array is the only argument:
However if you have multiple arguments, you're going to run into problems:
&subname(@array1, $item2, $item3);
sub subname {
my(@ary, $arg2, $arg3) = @_;
In this example, all of the arguments (including $item2 and $item3) are
stored in @ary, and $arg2 and $arg3 are undefined. In order to pass the array or
hash properly to the subroutine, you need to pass it as a reference, by
prefixing the @ (or %) by a backslash:
&subname(\@array1, $item2, \%hash1);
sub subname {
my($arrayref, $arg2, $hashref) = @_;
Now $arrayref is a reference to @array1, $arg2 is whatever the value of
$item2 is, and $hashref is a reference to %hash1. To access individual elements
of an array reference, instead of using $arrayref[1] , you use
$arrayref->[1] . Similarly with a hash reference you use
$hashref->{key} instead of $hashref{key} .
A reference is a pointer to the original variable. If you change the
value of an element of an array reference, you're changing the original array's
Optionally you could dereference the array inside your subroutine by
A hash is dereferenced like so:
A dereferenced array (or hash) is localized to your subroutine, so you can
change the values of @newarray or %newhash without altering the original
You can find out a lot more about references by reading perldoc perlref
and perldoc perlreftut (the Perl reference tutorial).
Subroutine Return Values
Subroutines can return a value:
If you omit the return statement, then the value returned by the subroutine
is the value of the last expression executed in that routine.
If you want to save the return value, be sure to assign it to a variable:
Subroutines can also return a list:
Which can then be assigned to a list of variables:
Or an array:
Return vs. Exit
You'll notice that our dienice subroutine does not return a
value at all, but rather calls the exit function. exit
causes the entire program to terminate immediately.
Sendmail Subroutine
Here is an example of the mail-sending code in a compact subroutine:
sub sendmail {
my ($from, $to, $subject, $message) = @_;
$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/sbin";
open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t") or
&dienice("Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n");
print MAIL "To: $to\n";
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
print MAIL "$message\n";
Sending Mail to More Than One Recipient
If you want to send mail to more than one email address, just add the desired
addresses to the $recipient line, separated by commas:
Defending Against Spammers
When building form-to-mail programs, you need to take precautions to prevent
spammers from hijacking your programs to send unwanted e-mail to other
recipients. They can do this by writing their own form (or program) to send data
to your CGI. If your program prints any of the form fields as mail headers
without checking them first, the spammer can insert their own mail headers (and
even their own message). The end result: your program becomes a relay for
The primary defense against this is to not allow the form to specify ANY of
the mail headers (such as the From, To, or Subject headers). Note that in our
guestbook program, the From, To and Subject headers were all hardcoded in the
Of course, it would be nice to have the "From" header show the poster's
e-mail address. You could allow this if you validate it first, verifying that
it's really an e-mail address and doesn't contain any extra headers. You can
validate e-mail addresses by using a regular expression pattern match, which
we'll cover in Chapter 13, or by using the
Email::Valid module, which we'll look at in Chapter 14.