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Advanced Forms and PERL Control Structures

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Chapter 5: Advanced Forms and Perl Control Structures

In the last chapter you learned how to decode form data, and mail it to yourself. However, one problem with the guestbook program is that it didn't do any error-checking or specialized processing.

You might not want to get blank forms, or you may want to require certain fields to be filled out. You might also want to write a quiz or questionnaire, and have your program take different actions depending on the answers. All of these things require some more advanced processing of the form data, and that will usually involve using control structures in your Perl code.

Control structures include conditional statements, such as if/elsif/else blocks, as well as loops like foreach, for and while.

If Conditions

You've already seen if/elsif in action. The structure is always started by the word if, followed by a condition to be evaluated, then a pair of braces indicating the beginning and end of the code to be executed if the condition is true. The condition is enclosed in parentheses:

    if (condition) {
        code to be executed

The condition statement can be anything that evaluates to true or false. In Perl, any string is true except the empty string and 0. Any number is true except 0. An undefined value (or undef) is false.You can also test whether a certain value equals something, or doesn't equal something, or is greater than or less than something. There are different conditional test operators, depending on whether the variable you want to test is a string or a number:

    Relational and Equality Operators
    Test Numbers Strings
    $x is equal to $y $x == $y $x eq $y
    $x is not equal to $y $x != $y $x ne $y
    $x is greater than $y $x > $y $x gt $y
    $x is greater than or equal to $y      $x >= $y      $x ge $y
    $x is less than $y $x < $y $x lt $y
    $x is less than or equal to $y $x <= $y $x le $y

If it's a string test, you use the letter operators (eq, ne, lt, etc.), and if it's a numeric test, you use the symbols (==, !=, etc.). Also, if you are doing numeric tests, keep in mind that $x >= $y is not the same as $x => $y. Be sure to use the correct operator!

Here is an example of a numeric test. If $varname is greater than 23, the code inside the curly braces is executed:

    if ($varname > 23) {
        # do stuff here if the condition is true

If you need to have more than one condition, you can add elsif and else blocks:

    if ($varname eq "somestring") {
        # do stuff here if the condition is true
    elsif ($varname eq "someotherstring") {
        # do other stuff
    else {
        # do this if none of the other conditions are met

The line breaks are not required; this example is just as valid:

    if ($varname > 23) {
       print "$varname is greater than 23";
    } elsif ($varname == 23) {
       print "$varname is 23";
    } else { print "$varname is less than 23"; }

You can join conditions together by using logical operators:

Logical Operators
    Operator      Example Explanation
    && condition1 && condition2      True if condition1 and condition2 are both true
    || condition1 || condition2 True if either condition1 or condition2 is true
    and condition1 and condition2 Same as && but lower precedence
    or condition1 or condition2 Same as || but lower precedence

Logical operators are evaluated from left to right. Precedence indicates which operator is evaluated first, in the event that more than one operator appears on one line. In a case like this:

    condition1 || condition2 && condition3

condition2 && condition3 is evaluated first, then the result of that evaluation is used in the || evaluation.

and and or work the same way as && and ||, although they have lower precedence than their symbolic counterparts.


unless is similar to if. Let's say you wanted to execute code only if a certain condition were false. You could do something like this:

    if ($varname != 23) {
       # code to execute if $varname is not 23

The same test can be done using unless:

    unless ($varname == 23) {
       # code to execute if $varname is not 23

There is no "elseunless", but you can use an else clause:

    unless ($varname == 23) {
        # code to execute if $varname is not 23
    } else {
        # code to execute if $varname IS 23

Validating Form Data

You should always validate data submitted on a form; that is, check to see that the form fields aren't blank, and that the data submitted is in the format you expected. This is typically done with if/elsif blocks.

Here are some examples. This condition checks to see if the "name" field isn't blank:

    if (param('name') eq "") {
        &dienice("Please fill out the field for your name.");

You can also test multiple fields at the same time:

    if (param('name') eq "" or param('email') eq "") {
        &dienice("Please fill out the fields for your name 
    and email address.");

The above code will return an error if either the name or email fields are left blank.

param('fieldname') always returns one of the following:

    undef � or undefined fieldname is not defined in the form itself, or it's a checkbox/radio button field that wasn't checked.
    the empty string fieldname exists in the form but the user didn't type anything into that field (for text fields)
    one or more values whatever the user typed into the field(s)

If your form has more than one field containing the same fieldname, then the values are stored sequentially in an array, accessed by param('fieldname').

You should always validate all form data � even fields that are submitted as hidden fields in your form. Don't assume that your form is always the one calling your program. Any external site can send data to your CGI. Never trust form input data.


Loops allow you to repeat code for as long as a condition is met. Perl has several loop control structures: foreach, for, while and until.

Foreach Loops

foreach iterates through a list of values:

    foreach my $i (@arrayname) {
        # code here

This loops through each element of @arrayname, setting $i to the current array element for each pass through the loop. You may omit the loop variable $i:

    foreach (@arrayname) {
        # $_ is the current array element

This sets the special Perl variable $_ to each array element. $_ does not need to be declared (it's part of the Perl language) and its scope localized to the loop itself.

For Loops

Perl also supports C-style for loops:

    for ($i = 1; $i < 23; $i++) {
        # code here

The for statement uses a 3-part conditional: the loop initializer; the loop condition (how long to run the loop); and the loop re-initializer (what to do at the end of each iteration of the loop). In the above example, the loop initializes with $i being set to 1. The loop will run for as long as $i is less than 23, and at the end of each iteration $i is incremented by 1 using the auto-increment operator (++).

The conditional expressions are optional. You can do infinite loops by omitting all three conditions:

    for (;;) {
        # code here

You can also write infinite loops with while.

While Loops

A while loop executes as long as particular condition is true:

    while (condition) {
        # code to run as long as condition is true

Until Loops

until is the reverse of while. It executes as long as a particular condition is NOT true:

    until (condition) {
        # code to run as long as condition is not true

Infinite Loops

An infinite loop is usually written like so:

    while (1) {
        # code here

Obviously unless you want your program to run forever, you'll need some way to break out of these infinite loops. We'll look at breaking next.

Breaking from Loops

There are several ways to break from a loop. To stop the current loop iteration (and move on to the next one), use the next command:

    foreach my $i (1..20) {
        if ($i == 13) {
        print "$i\n";

This example prints the numbers from 1 to 20, except for the number 13. When it reaches 13, it skips to the next iteration of the loop.

To break out of a loop entirely, use the last command:

    foreach my $i (1..20) {
        if ($i == 13) {
        print "$i\n";

This example prints the numbers from 1 to 12, then terminates the loop when it reaches 13.

next and last only effect the innermost loop structure, so if you have something like this:

    foreach my $i (@list1) {
        foreach my $j (@list2) {
            if ($i == 5 && $j == 23) {
        # this is where that last sends you

The last command only terminates the innermost loop. If you want to break out of the outer loop, you need to use loop labels:

    OUTER: foreach my $i (@list1) {
        INNER: foreach my $j (@list2) {
            if ($i == 5 && $j == 23) {
                last OUTER;
    # this is where that last sends you

The loop label is a string that appears before the loop command (foreach, for, or while). In this example we used OUTER as the label for the outer foreach loop and INNER for the inner loop label.

Now that you've seen the various types of Perl control structures, let's look at how to apply them to handling advanced form data.

Handling Checkboxes

Checkboxes allow the viewer to select one or more options on a form. If you assign each checkbox field a different name, you can print them the same way you'd print any form field using param('fieldname').

Here is the HTML code for a set of checkboxes:

    <b>Pick a Color:</b><br>
    <form action="colors.cgi" method="POST">
    <input type="checkbox" name="red" value=1> Red<br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="green" value=1> Green<br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="blue" value=1> Blue<br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="gold" value=1> Gold<br>
    <input type="submit">

This example lets the visitor pick as many options as they want � or none, if they prefer. Since this example uses a different field name for each checkbox, you can test it using param:

    my @colors = ("red","green","blue","gold");
    foreach my $color (@colors) {
        if (param($color)) {
            print "You picked $color.\n";

Since we set the value of each checkbox to 1 (a true value), we didn't need to actually see if param($color) was equal to anything � if the box is checked, its true. If it's not checked, then param($color) is undefined and therefore not true.

The other way you could code this form is to set each checkbox name to the same name, and use a different value for each checkbox:

    <b>Pick a Color:</b><br>
    <form action="colors.cgi" method="POST">
    <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="red"> Red<br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="green"> Green<br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="blue"> Blue<br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="color" value="gold"> Gold<br>
    <input type="submit">

param('color') returns a list of the selected checkboxes, which you can then store in an array. Here is how you'd use it in your CGI program:

    my @colors = param('color');
    foreach my $color (@colors) {
       print "You picked $color.<br>\n";

Handling Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are similar to checkboxes in that you can have several buttons, but the difference is that the viewer can only pick one choice. As with our last checkbox example, the group of related radio buttons must all have the same name, and different values:

    <b>Pick a Color:</b><br>
    <form action="colors.cgi" method="POST">
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="red"> Red<br>
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="green"> Green<br>
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="blue"> Blue<br>
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="gold"> Gold<br>
    <input type="submit">

Since the viewer can only choose one item from a set of radio buttons, param('color') will be the color that was picked:

    my $color = param('color');
    print "You picked $color.<br>\n";

It's usually best to set the values of radio buttons to something meaningful; this allows you to print out the button name and its value, without having to store another list inside your CGI program. But if your buttons have lengthy values, or values unsuitable for storing in the value field, you can set each value to an abbreviation, then define a hash in your CGI program where the hash keys correspond to the abbreviations. The hash values can then contain longer data.

Let's try it. Create a new HTML form called colors4.html:

Program 5-1: colors4.html - Favorite Colors HTML Form
    <html><head><title>Pick a Color</title></head>
    <b>Pick a Color:</b><br>
    <form action="colors4.cgi" method="POST">
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="red"> Red<br>
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="green"> Green<br>
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="blue"> Blue<br>
    <input type="radio" name="color" value="gold"> Gold<br>
    <input type="submit">

Next create colors4.cgi. This example not only prints out the color you picked, but also sets the page background to that color. The %colors hash stores the various RGB hex values for each color. The hex value for the selected color is then passed to's start_html function as the bgcolor (background color) parameter.

Program 5-2: colors4.cgi - Favorite Colors Program

    #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
    use strict;
    use CGI qw(:standard);
    use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
    my %colors = (  red     => "#ff0000",
                    green   => "#00ff00",
                    blue    => "#0000ff",
                    gold    => "#cccc00");
    print header;
    my $color = param('color');
    # do some validation - be sure they picked a valid color
    if (exists $colors{$color}) {
       print start_html(-title=>"Results", -bgcolor=>$color);
       print "You picked $color.<br>\n";
    } else {
       print start_html(-title=>"Results");
       print "You didn't pick a color! (You picked '$color')";
    print end_html;

Handling SELECT Fields

SELECT fields are handled almost the same way as radio buttons. A SELECT field is a pull-down menu with one or more choices. Unless you specify a multiple select (see below), the viewer can only choose one option. Here is the HTML for creating a SELECT field:

    <select name="color">         
    <option value="red"> Red
    <option value="green"> Green
    <option value="blue"> Blue
    <option value="gold"> Gold

As with radio buttons, you access the selection in your CGI program using param('color'):

    my $color = param('color');
    print "You picked $color.<br>\n";

Multiple-choice SELECTs

Multiple SELECTs allow the viewer to choose more than one option from the list, usually by option-clicking or control-clicking on the options they want. Here is the HTML for a multiple SELECT:

    <select name="color" multiple size=3>         
    <option value="red"> Red
    <option value="green"> Green
    <option value="blue"> Blue
    <option value="gold"> Gold

In your CGI program, param('color') returns a list of the selected values, just as it did when we had multiple checkboxes of the same name:

    my @colors = param('color');
    foreach my $color (@colors) {
       print "You picked $color.<br>\n";

So now you've seen every type of form element (except for file-uploads, which we'll look at in Chapter 14), and in every case you've seen that's param function returns the value (or values) from each form field. The value returned by param is always a list, but for text, textarea, password, radio, and single select fields you can use it in a scalar context. For checkboxes and multiple select fields, you use it in an array context.

In the next chapter we'll learn how to read and write data files, so you'll be able to save and analyze the data collected by your forms.

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