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Signs to Run from the New Job

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Six Signs That You Should Run from New Job

So you have finally landed the new job and you are thrilled. Hopefully, your new position will be one that do provides you with the support, great opportunities and the plenty of recognition for the successes.

Unfortunately, the company that seems like a Cinderella during the interview process can end up looking like an ugly stepsister once you actually join a team. Here are the six real-life, obvious signs that it is the time to run away from and never look back!

1. You do ask your new boss for the supplies and she will hands you the pencil and a small notepad -- and nothing else.
While not all the companies can afford to outfit the employees with the state-of-art laptops, mobile phones, palmtops and the company credit cards, it is important that you are given the tools which you need in order to do the job. If you are not, or if the company questions you for every time you ask a new pen, it could be an indication of the financial stress.

2. You were shown to the desk on the first day at work, given the company manual and have not been spoken to since.
Even if you have an years of experience, you should be given always some kind of the orientation or training during the first days on the new job. The companies that are known as a best places to work all have the substantial training programs and the processes in place to make sure the new employees feel comfortable and are supported right from the start. Be wary if you do feel as if you have been left to go it alone.

3. Every time you do tell someone about the new job with company they do raise their eyebrows and say 'Really? Wow... good luck..'
The company's reputation is not always completely accurate, but it do usually stem from the legitimate information. Good companies to work for are always well-known and are well-respected in their communities. In fact, you should ask for others in your company and the local business community what their thoughts are about the company when you are doing the initial research. If everyone you ask has the negative tale about new company, the chances are that their impressions do have some validity.

4. After two weeks on job, you are already on halfway becoming the employee with most seniority.
One of a biggest issues for the human resources professionals today is the employee retention. You will notice that the most of country's top companies have the employees who have been there around for years. The lengthy employee tenure is often the sign that the company is doing something right. 'I joined the firm and learned that the company has seven other employees come and go in past year', says the Sarah, the public relations executive. 'What is worse is that it was only of five-person operation. That should have been a first sign that the company was not great place to work.'

5. You answer the phone while a company's secretary is away from her desk and find that voice at the other end is the debt collection agency calling for third time that week.
While this will sound unbelievable, this actually happened to one of the worker, who said the other employees at the company were eventually instructed not to answer the phones. 'It became joke with all of us,' she did commented. 'We used to run and cash the pay cheques as soon as we got paid and were always afraid of that they were going to bounce!' If you see any signs that the company is in real financial or the legal trouble, get your C.V. back out on a market.

6. You do notice that every day for last five days, at least one person has run crying from the boss's office.
While everyone's boss is not the bundle of joy, you should expect to be treated with the respect in the workplace. If you see the signs that the executives running the company make all of other employees shake with fear, burst into the tears or work on edge all time, look for the greener pasture. There are companies out there which find success without putting the employees through ringer.

You will not know everything about the new company until you put your time, but if you get bad feeling right away, there is probably the good reason for it. Trust your instincts when you start the new job, and know what qualities do you want to see when you do walk into office. Doing so can keep you away from being stuck in the dead-end situation that do leaves you frustrated and unfulfilled.

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