How to: Upgrade Wizard-Generated Managed Extensions for C++ Code
How to: Upgrade Wizard-Generated Managed Extensions for C++ Code
Visual Studio wizards generate code in your source files, either
when the project is created, or when functionality is added via a
code wizard.
When upgrading a project, it is usually necessary to
upgrade the wizard-generated code as well. For Microsoft Visual C++
2005, a common scenario is upgrading code written with Managed
Extensions for C++ to use new Visual C++ language features instead.
Managed Extensions for C++
To upgrade code that uses Managed Extensions C++ code:
Convert the code manually, using the
Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist.
Use Visual C++ 2008 to generate a new project of the
same type, then either move your existing code into the
new project or cut-and-paste the wizard-generated
portions of the new project into the existing one.
For the most part, upgrading from Managed Extensions for
C++ is just a matter of changing the syntax, but there are
some semantic differences.
Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist
For Visual C++ 2005, Visual C++ includes features for targeting
virtual machines with garbage collection, such as the .NET
Framework. For Visual C++ 2008, support for Managed Extensions for
C++ is deprecated, and might be removed entirely in a future
Code using Managed Extensions for C++ can still be
compiled with /clr:oldSyntax. See
/clr (Common Language Runtime Compilation) for more information
For more information on using the new syntax, see:
.NET Programming Guide
How To: Migrate to /clr
C++/CLI Migration Primer
Language Features for Targeting the CLR
This topic lists the syntactic differences between Managed
Extensions for C++ and the new Visual C++ syntax.
Update Managed Extensions for C++ Code
Remove #using . (This assembly is now
referenced by default.)
Replace __gc class with
ref class.
Replace __gc struct
with ref struct.
Replace __value class
with value class.
Replace __value struct
with value struct.
Remove default constructors from value classes.
(Default constructors for value types are allowed in
Managed Extensions for C++, but the nature of the CLR
prevents them from being called reliably, so this
feature has been removed.)
For more information about reference and value types, see
Classes and Structs (Managed).
Replace __gc __interface
with interface class.
For more information about the interface keyword, see
interface class.
__abstract with abstract,
and move it after the class name. For more information,
abstract (Visual C++).
__sealed with sealed,
and move it after the class name. For more information,
__property with
property, combine the get and set methods into a
single property block, and remove the trailing
underbar/name suffix from these accessors. For simple
properties, the accessors need not be defined
explicitly. The syntax for indexed properties requires
bracket pairs after the property type. For more
information, see,
How to: Use Simple Properties and
How to: Use Indexed Properties.
__event with
event (Visual C++).
Replace __value enum
enum class.
Replace pointers to reference types followed
(defined with __gc*) with
^. For more information,
^ (Handle to Object on Managed Heap).
Replace pointers to values types that potentially
live in the garbage collected heap with
Replace pointers declared with
__pin with instances of
pin_ptr, unless a whole object is being pinned, in
which case use
interior_ptr, and then use
pin_ptr on the interior pointer. For Visual C++
2005, this template is defined in the
cli Namespace.
Replace new with
Replace 0 or null with
nullptr when used to indicate that a pointer or
handle into the garbage collected heap does not indicate
an object and when using comparisons to check pointers
and handles.
Update garbage-collected arrays declared with
__gc[] to use the
array (Visual C++) type. For Visual C++ 2005, this
template is defined in the
cli Namespace.
Remove all instances of __box. For more information,
Implicit Boxing.
Remove the "S" prefix from string literals (the
compiler now determines if a string is literal based on
the context in which it is used.)
Replace the explicit declaration and usage of
overloaded operators required in Managed Extensions for
C++ (such as op_Addition,
op_Subtraction) with the
traditional C++ syntax. For more information, see
User-Defined Operators and
Operator Overloading.
Update conversion operators (which use
op_Implicit and
op_Explicit in Managed
Extensions for C++ syntax.) For more information, see
User-Defined Conversions.
__typeof with
__try_cast with
safe_cast. For Visual C++ 2005, this template is
defined in the
cli Namespace.
If you were signing your assembly (also known as
giving your assembly a strong name) with the CLR's
assembly-signing attributes, you should remove those
attributes from your code and instead use the
assembly-signing linker options. For more information,
Strong Name Assemblies (Assembly Signing).