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Apply OSS Notes On My SAP R/3 System



How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system?

In order to fix one of the problem in R/3 system, SAP will asked you to download an OSS notes which is a ".car" file. 

To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level:

Get into OS as <sapsid>adm

Copy the .CAR file to a Temporary Directory.

Uncompress the file with SAPCAR

Copy the the data file generated in the  data transport directory 
( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data).

Copy the the cofile file generated in the  cofiles transport directory 
( = ej: /usr/Sap/trans/cofiles).

Run transaction STMS

Upload the support package with SPAM transaction and the support package will show "New support packages". 


Examples of CAR command :-

   1) UNIX only: 

       Log on as user <sapsid>adm. 
       cd /usr/sap/trans 
       CAR -xvf tmp/<ARCHIVE_NAME>.CAR -V 

   2) Windows NT only: 

       Log on as user <SAPSID>ADM. 
       cd \USR\SAP\TRANS 

This Will create two(2) FILES

After you run SPAM  you MUST run STMS and check the transport queues 


As per 315963 note you can direct made the changes in the program or you can apply the support pack. 

a) If you want to apply correction then first you need to register the object in SAP, so that you will get the Access key and then you can make the changes.

b) If you want to import the support pack then you need to down load from SAP market-place. and this is in CAR file. and then you need extract the same using CAR utility. 
ex: CAR -xvf


you can directly apply the patch from SAPGUI, login to 000 client and then you can load the patch from Presentation server. 

Also check what is your current basis patch level?

For example if you want to apply patch 07 and you are having 05 then you need to apply 06 and then apply 07.


Things to take note of:-

It would definitely be better to apply the latest spam/saint spam manager, tp, R3trans and possibly a new kernel patch. 

This is not a simple task to complete on the fly.  By applying SAP support packs, you may run into problems with SPDD and SPAU adjustments. Also include the fact that the support packages may break one of your transactions.  You may want to test this in your sandbox environment, if you have one, before tackling it.

In most situation when you apply support packages, it can takes about 3 weeks to fully test the support packages before you can apply them to the production system. 

Do test your "golden" transactions to make sure that they are not broken.  If you are not familiar with SPDD and/or SPAU adjustments than do not attempt to load support packages.

You may be better off just to modify the SAP object in question via OSS note.


What is mean by OSS how to work on that?

OSS are online sap support notes. These notes are available online for solving critical problems in sap system.We may use the already existing notes or may add our own quaries.

In order to apply any OSS note, you have to be authorized by your company and be assigned an OSS ID and password.

For any SAP standard program modification, you are required to login to OSS and request for a repair program Access key.

Access the SAP Support Portal:

- Keys and Requests

-- Request license key

--- Follow the Steps 1 to 5 of the License keys for SAP Business Suite


Follow this step to obtain the Program Access key:

Menu Path: System -> Services -> SAP Service (Transaction code OSS1)

Login in with your OSS ID and Password

Click the Registration button

Click Register Object

Double click R/3 Value Contract

Fill in the Object Registration for Installation:

For e.g.
SAP release: 46C

Finished, click the Register button

Select the Key number and use the Copy and Paste short key to copy the Access key

You are now able to modify the SAP standard program.

Finished the modification, do remember to transport it to the production system after all the necessary testing.


Upgrading SAP Kernel, Hotpatches and Database Startup


Kernel upgrade is an easy process. 

Go to the SAP OSS Site :-
   SAP R/3 
      SAP R/3 4.6C 
          Binary Patches 
                SAP KERNEL 4.6D 

Download the kernel programs in a temporary folder. 

Create a folder and copy the executables /exe/run/ then uncar the downloaded files and replace the executables. 

It is recommended to shutdown the R/3 database and all services including saposcol. 

Then restart your system.  

A couple of important points to remember are :-.

a) Always make a copy of the files you're going to replace. For e.g. Create a directory (oldkern) and copy all the old files 
    before replacing them (this helps when sometimes the new Kernel has problems, and you can revert it)

b) You have to shutdown SAP and the Database using the OLD kernel file. Again it is good practice to shutdown everything 

Refer to this OSS note which is pretty useful :-

102461 - Installation of 4.0B/40B_COM kernel with 4.0A/40B  

How do I find out the current patch level in SAP R/3 4.7

You can use either of these two methods:

1: Follow the path 

System --> Status --> Component Information (The Magnifying glass button in the SAP System Data section) 

2: Use the Transaction code ---- spam

spam(Support package manager) --> package level  

Steps to Start Your Database After Kernel Upgrade

Do these steps to start your database:

1. Open command prompt

2. Give command: SQLPLUS "/as sysdba"
If its giving message connected to idle instance then proceed:

3. Give command: startup open
If its giving error that database is already open, shut it down first. Then first check what database process is up and running.

4. Try stopping the database: shutdown immediate.

5. Follow step 3 again after shut down the database.

6. Exit from SQLPLUS

7. Run command on command prompt: R3trans -d
Check the results whether its still giving error or if it completed with 000 return code, then try starting SAP.

Follow the above steps.

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