Define navigation and properties for your mobile environment Pages is comprised of three portlets. They are:
Manage Mobile Pages portlet:
Manage Mobile Pages portlet lets you define portal navigation and gives you access to the Extended Properties and Preload Notice portlets. Everyplace Mobile Portal gives a wireless device the ability to navigate and view a Portal web site using a navigation hierarchy suitable for mobile devices. By administrators to create the mobile portal navigation the Manage Mobile Pages portlet is used. The pages, URLs, or Labels are the nodes of navigation tree. At runtime, the XDIME aggregator displays the navigation created by this portlet. You can access to the Extended Properties and Preload Notices portlets with the help of Manage Mobile Pages portlet.
Extended Properties portlet:
Extended Properties portlet lets you configure properties for the page, URL, or portlet in the navigation. The extended properties describing characteristics the mobile device must have in order to display a node the configuretion is done by the Extended Properties portlet. Some of the Extended properties such as filtering image and audio content when a device does not support those features or filtering content based on the device type or manufacturer should allow fine-tuning of content based on device type and capabilities. Configuring the properties specifying how to display a navigation node is also done by extended Properties portlet. For example, you can configure an extended property specifying whether an image or short title is displayed on the mobile device for a given node. At runtime the XDIME aggregator queries the extended properties for a node to determine whether the corresponding page, URL, or portlet is to be included in the displayed output.
Preload Notices portlet:
Preload Notices portlet lets you define the use of preload notices in the navigation. You can optionally be displayed Information pages, called preload notice, after the link is selected and before it is displayed. Inserting of the special promotional advertising, notify users of billable charges associated with the selection, or provide warnings regarding the content to be displayed can be done by Preload notices. This preload notices and information pages are defined for the device using the Preload Notices portlet.
A ordinary .NET web page is similar to the mobile page. It contains a variety of web controls, and is a text file with an aspx extension. The difference is the page directive that identifies the page as a mobile page, and the controls used on the page, which are mobile controls. The mobile control can be programmed with device-independently, and the page will be producing an output that suits the device that access it.