Line endings and ChemDraw
As was mentioned in the previous tutorial one potential problem is
SMILES often arrive as UNIX files, and there are two different line
ending conventions in Mac OS X: Mac-style (lines end with return: "\r"
or ASCII ) and Unix-style (lines end with line-feed: "\n" or
ASCII ), so if we try to read a Unix file available here
We need to alter the previous script to do two things, firstly detect
the line-endings to identify whether the file is a UNIX or Mac file
type, we then need to use the appropriate deliminator in both the import
and write to file.
The first part we do by reading in part of the file (100 characters) as
shown in the script below, we then see if the result contain a line feed
set {lf, return} to {ASCII character 10, ASCII character 13}
set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the file:") as alias
set the_result to read theFile for 100
if (the_result contains lf) then
set delim to lf
set delim_1 to "Unix File"
else if (the_result contains return) then
set delim to return
set delim_1 to "Mac File"
end if
display dialog delim_1
We can then replace the deliminator with the variable "delim" for
both the read
set theData to read theFile using delimiter delim
and add the correct line-endings to the output
set mol_list to mol_list & delim
The full script now looks like this, it will now read either UNIX or
Mac files and then write the output in the corresponding UNIX or Mac
format. Some people will no doubt have noticed that the output is
test2.smi, this is the correct file extension for SMILES files,
unfortunately the ".smi" extension also corresponds to a "self-mounting
set mol_list to {}
set the_compounds to {}
set all_mols_list to {}
set mol_props_list to {}
set theData to {}
set {lf, return} to {ASCII character 10, ASCII character 13}
set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the file:") as alias
set the_file_path to GetParentPath(theFile)
set theSaveFile to the_file_path & "test2.smi"
--display dialog theSaveFile
set the_result to read theFile for 100
if (the_result contains lf) then
set delim to lf
set delim_1 to "Unix File"
else if (the_result contains return) then
set delim to return
set delim_1 to "Mac File"
end if
display dialog delim_1
open for access theFile
--UNIX file
--set theData to read theFile using delimiter "\n"
set theData to read theFile using delimiter delim
close access theFile
set text item delimiters to tab
repeat with i from 1 to count of items in theData
set theLine to text items of item i of theData
copy theLine to the end of mol_list
end repeat
set text item delimiters to ""
set num_compounds to count of items in mol_list
repeat with i from 1 to num_compounds
set mol_props_list to {}
set the_compound to item i of mol_list
set the_SMILES to item 1 of the_compound
set the_name to item 2 of the_compound
--display dialog the_SMILES
--display dialog the_name
set the clipboard to the_SMILES
tell application "CS ChemDraw Ultra"
if enabled of menu item "Paste" then do menu item "SMILES" of menu
"Paste Special" of menu "Edit"
set the_CD_SMILES to SMILES of selection
set Elem_Anal to Elemental Analysis of selection
set Exact_mass to Exact Mass of selection
set Mol_Form to Molecular Formula of selection
set Mol_weight to Molecular Weight of selection
copy the_SMILES to the end of mol_props_list
copy the_name to the end of mol_props_list
copy the_CD_SMILES to the end of mol_props_list
copy Elem_Anal to the end of mol_props_list
copy Exact_mass to the end of mol_props_list
copy Mol_Form to the end of mol_props_list
copy Mol_weight to the end of mol_props_list
if enabled of menu item "Paste" then do menu item "Clear" of menu
--display dialog (item 3 of mol_props_list)
end tell
copy mol_props_list to the end of all_mols_list
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to num_compounds
set mol_list to item i of all_mols_list
-- convert list to text
set old_delim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
set mol_list to mol_list as text
--set mol_list to mol_list & "\n" needs UNIX line endings
set mol_list to mol_list & delim
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delim
my write_to_file(mol_list, theSaveFile, true)
end repeat
on GetParentPath(theFile)
tell application "Finder" to return container of theFile as text
end GetParentPath
on write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data)
set the target_file to the target_file as text
set the open_target_file to �
open for access file target_file with write permission
if append_data is false then �
set eof of the open_target_file to 0
write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof
close access the open_target_file
return true
on error
close access file target_file
end try
return false
end try
end write_to_file
Errors and Omissions in the file
Sometimes files contain SMILES strings but do not contain the
corresponding name (or molecule ID) at the moment the script will fail
at the point:
set the_name to item 2 of the_compound
Since there will be no item 2. We can avoid this problem by modifying
the script as shown below. First try to extract the name if present then
if there is no name construct a name based on the position of the
molecule in the file (e.g. the fifth molecule will be called
set the_name to item 2 of the_compound
--If no name set name to molecule and number
end try
if the_name = "" then
set the_name to "molecule_" & i
end if