To define the page size of a page XSL-FO Page size used the following attributes:
page-width defines the width of a page
page-height defines the height of a page
Page Margins
To define the margins of a page XSL-FO Page Margins used the following attributes:
margin defines all four margins
Page Regions
To define the regions of a page XSL-FO Page regions used the following attributes:
region-body:- For body region
region-before:- For top region
region-after:- For bottom region
region-start:- For left region
region-end:- For right region
Note:- The region-start,region-end,region-before and region-after is a
part of the body region.To avoid text in the body region and to overwrite text in
these regions, the body region must have margins as a minimum size of these