Java Management Extensions provides the tools for building Web-based,
distributed, dynamic and modular solutions for managing and
monitoring devices, applications, and service-driven networks.
To adapt legacy systems, implementing new management
and monitoring solutions, and plugging into those of the future all standard are well suitable.
Prior knowledge
You should have a knowledge of the following technology before going details of JMX :
Java programming language and its development environment
Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) software
JMX Technology
It was developed by Java Community ProcessSM
(JCPSM) as two closely related Java
Specification Requests (JSRs):
JSR 3, Java Management Extensions
Instrumentation and Agent Specification
JSR 160, Java Management Extensions Remote API
The JMX specification defines an JMX architecture, the design
patterns, the APIs, and the services for application and network management and
monitoring in the Java programming language.
Through JMX technology, a given resource is instrumented by one
or more Java objects known as Managed Beans(MBeans). These MBeans are
registered in a core managed object server called MBean server, that acts
as a management agent and can run on most devices enabled for the Java
programming language.
A JMX agent consists of MBean server, which gets registered, and a set of
services for handling MBeans. In this way, JMX agents directly control resources
and make them available to remote management applications(RMA).
Resources are instrumented in completely
independent from the management infrastructure. Resources can therefore be
rendered manageable regardless of how their management applications are
JMX technology defines standard connectors known as JMX connectors
that allow to access JMX agents from remote management applications. By using JMX
connectors different protocols provide the same management interface.
Hence a management application can manage resources transparently, regardless of
the communication protocol used. JMX agents can also be used by
applications or system
that are not compliant with the JMX specification but which support
JMX agents.
Use of JMX Technology?
Java Management extensions technology provides all Java developers across industries
with a flexible means to instrument Java code, create smart Java agents,
implement distributed management middleware and managers, and smoothly integrate
these solutions into existing management and monitoring systems.
JMX technology enables Java applications to be
managed with minimum investment: Java applications can become
manageable with little impact on their design because JMX technology agent can run on
most Java technology-enabled devices. A Java application simply
needs to embed a managed object server and make some of its
functionality available for managed beans (MBeans)
registered in the object server; that is all it takes to benefit from
the management infrastructure.
JMX technology provides a standard way to
manage Java technology-based systems, and networks & applications.
For example, the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4
Application Server conforms to the JMX architecture and consequently can
be managed using JMX technology.
JMX technology can be used for
management of the JVM. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is highly
instrumented using JMX technology. You can easily start a JMX agent to
access the built-in JVM instrumentation, and thereby monitor and manage
the JVM remotely.
JMX technology provides a dynamic, scalable
management architecture. Depending on the
requirements Every JMX agent service is an independent
module that can be plugged into the management agent.
This component-based approach means that JMX solutions can
scale from small-footprint devices to large telecommunications switches
and beyond. The JMX specification provides a set of core agent services.
Additional services can be developed and dynamically loaded, unloaded,
or updated in the management infrastructure.
JMX technology leverages existing standard
Java technologies. The JMX specification
references existing Java specifications whenever needed. e.g. the Java Naming
and Directory Interface (JNDI).
JMX technology integrates existing
management solutions and emerging technologies. e.g.
agents could be managed through an HTML browser. The JMX Application Programming Interfaces are open
interfaces that any management system vendor can leverage. JMX solutions
can use lookup and discovery services and protocols such as JiniTM
network technology and the Service Location Protocol (SLP).