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Shared Memory

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Shared Memory

As we have seen, many methods were created in order to let processes communicate. All this communications is done in order to share data. The problem is that all these methods are sequential in nature. What can we do in order to allow processes to share data in a random-access manner?

Shared memory comes to the rescue. As you might know, on a Unix system, each process has its own virtual address space, and the system makes sure no process would access the memory area of another process. This means that if one process corrupts its memory's contents, this does not directly affect any other process in the system.

With shared memory, we declare a given section in the memory as one that will be used simultaneously by several processes. This means that the data found in this memory section (or memory segment) will be seen by several processes. This also means that several processes might try to alter this memory area at the same time, and thus some method should be used to synchronize their access to this memory area (did anyone say "apply mutual exclusion using a semaphore" ?).

Background - Virtual Memory Management Under Unix

In order to understand the concept of shared memory, we should first check how virtual memory is managed on the system.

In order to achieve virtual memory, the system divides memory into small pages each of the same size. For each process, a table mapping virtual memory pages into physical memory pages is kept. When the process is scheduled for running, its memory table is loaded by the operating system, and each memory access causes a mapping (by the CPU) to a physical memory page. If the virtual memory page is not found in memory, it is looked up in swap space, and loaded from there (this operation is also called 'page in').

When the process is started, it is being allocated a memory segment to hold the runtime stack, a memory segment to hold the programs code (the code segment), and a memory area for data (the data segment). Each such segment might be composed of many memory pages. When ever the process needs to allocate more memory, new pages are being allocated for it, to enlarge its data segment.

When a process is being forked off from another process, the memory page table of the parent process is being copied to the child process, but not the pages themselves. If the child process will try to update any of these pages, then this page specifically will be copied, and then only the copy of the child process will be modified. This behavior is very efficient for processes that call fork() and immediately use the exec() system call to replace the program it runs.

What we see from all of this is that all we need in order to support shared memory, is to some memory pages as shared, and to allow a way to identify them. This way, one process will create a shared memory segment, other processes will attach to them (by placing their physical address in the process's memory pages table). From now all these processes will access the same physical memory when accessing these pages, thus sharing this memory area.

Allocating A Shared Memory Segment

A shared memory segment first needs to be allocated (created), using the shmget() system call. This call gets a key for the segment (like the keys used in msgget() and semget()), the desired segment size, and flags to denote access permissions and whether to create this page if it does not exist yet. shmget() returns an identifier that can be later used to access the memory segment. Here is how to use this call:

/* this variable is used to hold the returned segment identifier. */
int shm_id;

/* allocate a shared memory segment with size of 2048 bytes,      */
/* accessible only to the current user.                             */
shm_id = shmget(100, 2048, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0600);
if (shm_id == -1) {
    perror("shmget: ");

If several processes try to allocate a segment using the same ID, they will all get an identifier for the same page, unless they defined IPC_EXCL in the flags to shmget(). In that case, the call will succeed only if the page did not exist before.


Attaching And Detaching A Shared Memory Segment

After we allocated a memory page, we need to add it to the memory page table of the process. This is done using the shmat() (shared-memory attach) system call. Assuming 'shm_id' contains an identifier returned by a call to shmget(), here is how to do this:

/* these variables are used to specify where the page is attached.  */
char* shm_addr;
char* shm_addr_ro;

/* attach the given shared memory segment, at some free position */
/* that will be allocated by the system.                         */
shm_addr = shmat(shm_id, NULL, 0);
if (!shm_addr) { /* operation failed. */
    perror("shmat: ");

/* attach the same shared memory segment again, this time in     */
/* read-only mode. Any write operation to this page using this   */
/* address will cause a segmentation violation (SIGSEGV) signal. */
shm_addr_ro = shmat(shm_id, NULL, SHM_RDONLY);
if (!shm_addr_ro) { /* operation failed. */
    perror("shmat: ");

As you can see, a page may be attached in read-only mode, or in read-write mode. The same page may be attached several times by the same process, and then all the given addresses will refer to the same data. In the example above, we can use 'shm_addr' to access the segment both for reading and for writing, while 'shm_addr_ro' can be used for read-only access to this page. Attaching a segment in read-only mode makes sense if our process is not supposed to alter this memory page, and is recommended in such cases. The reason is that if a bug in our process causes it to corrupt its memory image, it might corrupt the contents of the shared segment, thus causing all other processes using this segment to possibly crush. By using a read-only attachment, we protect the rest of the processes from a bug in our process.


Placing Data In Shared Memory

Placing data in a shared memory segment is done by using the pointer returned by the shmat() system call. Any kind of data may be placed in a shared segment, except for pointers. The reason for this is simple: pointers contain virtual addresses. Since the same segment might be attached in a different virtual address in each process, a pointer referring to one memory area in one process might refer to a different memory area in another process. We can try to work around this problem by attaching the shared segment in the same virtual address in all processes (by supplying an address as the second parameter to shmat(), and adding the SHM_RND flag to its third parameter), but this might fail if the given virtual address is already in use by the process.

Here is an example of placing data in a shared memory segment, and later on reading this data. We assume that 'shm_addr' is a character pointer, containing an address returned by a call to shmat().

/* define a structure to be used in the given shared memory segment. */
struct country {
    char name[30];
    char capital_city[30];
    char currency[30];
    int population;

/* define a countries array variable. */
int* countries_num;
struct country* countries;

/* create a countries index on the shared memory segment. */
countries_num = (int*) shm_addr;
*countries_num = 0;
countries = (struct country*) ((void*)shm_addr+sizeof(int));

strcpy(countries[0].name, "U.S.A");
strcpy(countries[0].capital_city, "Washington");
strcpy(countries[0].currency, "U.S. Dollar");
countries[0].population = 250000000;

strcpy(countries[1].name, "Israel");
strcpy(countries[1].capital_city, "Jerusalem");
strcpy(countries[1].currency, "New Israeli Shekel");
countries[1].population = 6000000;

strcpy(countries[1].name, "France");
strcpy(countries[1].capital_city, "Paris");
strcpy(countries[1].currency, "Frank");
countries[1].population = 60000000;

/* now, print out the countries data. */
for (i=0; i < (*countries_num); i++) {
    printf("Country %d:\n", i+1);
    printf("  name: %s:\n", countries[i].name);
    printf("  capital city: %s:\n", countries[i].capital_city);
    printf("  currency: %s:\n", countries[i].currency);
    printf("  population: %d:\n", countries[i].population);

A few notes and 'gotchas' about this code:

  1. No usage of malloc().

    Since the memory page was already allocated when we called shmget(), there is no need to use malloc() when placing data in that segment. Instead, we do all memory management ourselves, by simple pointer arithmetic operations. We also need to make sure the shared segment was allocated enough memory to accommodate future growth of our data - there are no means for enlarging the size of the segment once allocated (unlike when using normal memory management - we can always move data to a new memory location using the realloc() function).

  2. Memory alignment.

    In the example above, we assumed that the page's address is aligned properly for an integer to be placed in it. If it was not, any attempt to try to alter the contents of 'countries_num' would trigger a bus error (SIGBUS) signal. further, we assumed the alignment of our structure is the same as that needed for an integer (when we placed the structures array right after the integer variable).

  3. Completeness of the data model.

    By placing all the data relating to our data model in the shared memory segment, we make sure all processes attaching to this segment can use the full data kept in it. A naive mistake would be to place the countries counter in a local variable, while placing the countries array in the shared memory segment. If we did that, other processes trying to access this segment would have no means of knowing how many countries are in there.


Destroying A Shared Memory Segment

After we finished using a shared memory segment, we should destroy it. It is safe to destroy it even if it is still in use (i.e. attached by some process). In such a case, the segment will be destroyed only after all processes detach it. Here is how to destroy a segment:

/* this structure is used by the shmctl() system call. */
struct shmid_ds shm_desc;

/* destroy the shared memory segment. */
if (shmctl(shm_id, IPC_RMID, &shm_desc) == -1) {
    perror("main: shmctl: ");

Note that any process may destroy the shared memory segment, not only the one that created it, as long as it has write permission to this segment.

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Keywords: Shared Memory, Inter-Process Communications, Inter-Process Communications, Inter-Process Communications tutorial, Inter-Process Communications tutorial pdf, history of Inter-Process Communications, Custamizing Style Sheet, learn Inter-Process Communications

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