XSL-FO Tables
Es gibt neun XSL-FO Gegenstände, die benutzt werden, um Tabellen herzustellen: :
- fo:table-and-caption
- fo:table
- fo:table-caption
- fo:table-column
- fo:table-header
- fo:table-footer
- fo:table-body
- fo:table-row
- fo:table-cell
The <fo:table-and-caption> element is use to define a table. It contains
a <fo:table> and an optional <fo:caption> element.
The <fo:table> element contains optional element like <fo:table-column>,
<fo:table-header>, <fo:table-body>, <fo:table-footer> etc.
Each of these elements has one or more <fo:table-row> elements, with
one or more <fo:table-cell> elements:
<xsl:template match="ol">
space-before="0.25em" space-after="0.25em">
<xsl:template match="ol/li">
<fo:list-item space-after="0.5ex">
<fo:list-item-label start-indent="1em">
Car |
Price |
Volvo |
$50000 |
$48000 |
Keywords :
XSL-FO Table,
xsl fo table cell,
fo page break,
xsl fo table,
xsl line break,
apache fo,
xsl reference,
xsl examples,
xsl example,
xsl count,
xsl text,
docbook xsl,
xsl processor,
xsl fo block,
xsl document,
xsl fo inline,
fo reference,
pdf fo,
svg xsl,
xsl stylesheet,
docbook fo,
text table,
fo examples,
display xsl,
fo text,
xsl using