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Hier sind etwas XML-in Verbindung stehende Technologien:
- Extensible HTML is a cleaner and stricter version of HTML
- XML Document Object Model defines a standard way for manipulating and accessing XML documents.
- Extensible Style Sheet Language consists of three parts: XSLT - a language for transforming XML documents, XPath - a language for navigating in XML documents, and XSL-FO - a language for formatting XML documents.
- XSL Transformations(XSLT ) is used to convert XML documents into other XML formats, like XHTML.
- To navigating in XML documents XPATH language used.
- Extensible Style Sheet Language Formatting Objects(XSL-FO) is an XML based markup language describing the formatting of XML data.
- XML Linking Language(XLink) is a language for creating hyperlinks in XML documents.
- XML Pointer Language (Xpointer) allows the XLink hyperlinks to point to more specific parts in the XML document.
- Document Type Definition(DTD) is used to define the legal elements in an XML document.
- XML Schema(XSD) is an XML-based alternative to DTDs.
- XML Forms(XForms) uses XML to define form data.
- XML Query Language(XQuery) is designed to query XML data.
- Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP) is an XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP.
- Web Services Description Language(WSDL) is an XML-based language for describing web services.
- Resource Description Framework(RDF) is an XML-based language for describing web resources.
- Really Simple Syndication(RSS) is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites.
- Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) was designed to show internet contents on wireless clients, like mobile phones.
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language(SMIL) is a language for describing audiovisual presentations.
- Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) defines graphics in XML format.
Keywords: XML Technologies,XML DOM,XSLT,XSD,XQuery,WSDL,RDF,XLink,XForms
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