F�r einfache Kreation der Benutzerschnittstellen, stellt struts die HTML Umbaubibliothek zur Verf�gung. F�r die Entwicklung der Benutzerschnittstellen, in dieser Lektion zeige ich dir, was alle struts HTML Umbauten f�r JSP vorhanden sind.
Anfangs m�ssen wir folgende Linie in unserer JSP Akte einschlie�en, um die struts HTML Umbauten zu benutzen:
Tag creates list box
on the form. The property selectBox must be an array of supported
data-types, and the user may select several entries. Use <html:options>
to specify the entries.
Tag is used to create
the HTML Form for posting the data on the server.
Tag generates the
base tag. <BASE ...> tells the browser to
pretend that the current page is located at some URL other than where
the browser found it.Any relative reference will be calculated from the
URL given by <BASE HREF="..."> instead of the
actual URL. <BASE ...> goes in the
<HEAD> section.
Tag renders an HTML
<html> Element.
In the Address.jsp which is in previour page we have used some of above tags
struts html tags,struts tags html,struts web xml,struts html tag,jsp tags,html reference,java tags,html list,struts tutorial,html tutorial,java struts,struts logic tags,jsf html tags,struts examples,struts nested tags,struts html form,struts example