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Working with Java Controls

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Working with Java Controls

WebLogic Workshop provides Java controls that make it easy for you to encapsulate business logic and to access enterprise resources such as databases, legacy applications, and web services. There are three different types of Java Controls: built-in Java controls, portal controls, and custom Java controls.

Built-in controls provide easy access to enterprise resources. For example, the Database control makes it easy to connect to a database and perform operations on the data using simple SQL statements, whereas the EJB control enables you to easily access an EJB. Built-in controls provide simple properties and methods for customizing their behavior, and in many cases you can add methods and callbacks to further customize the control.

A portal control is a kind of built-in Java control specific to the portal environment. If you are building a portal, you can use portal controls to expose tracking and personalization functions in multi-page portlets.

You can also build your own custom Java control from scratch. Custom Java controls are especially powerful when used to encapsulate business logic in reusable components. It can act as the nerve center of a piece of functionality, implementing the desired overall behavior and delegating subtasks to built-in Java controls (and/or other custom Java controls). This use of a custom Java control ensures modularity and encapsulation. Web services, JSP pages, or other custom Java controls can simply use the custom Java control to obtain the desired functionality, and changes that may become necessary can be implemented in one software component instead of many.

If you are connecting to an enterprise resource that exposes a standards-based, J2EE, or Web Services interface, you can create a custom Java control to directly connect to that application. However, if you are connecting to an external resource that is proprietary or does not expose standard J2EE APIs, you may need to use a JCA (Java Connector Architecture) adaptor and an Application View control rather than a Java control to connect to that resource. JCA adaptors and the Application View control are available through WebLogic Integration.

Getting Started with Java Controls

When you're building WebLogic platform applications, Java controls provide a convenient way to incorporate access to resources and encapsulate business logic. If you've used WebLogic Workshop, you may be familiar with built-in Java controls such as the Database control, EJB control, Web Service control, and so on. These are included with the IDE, but you can also create your own custom Java control. You can use controls from within the many kinds of components that make up WebLogic platform applications. A good practice is to use the custom Java control to implement your business logic and call built-in controls when the implementation of the business logic requires this.

This topic provides an overview of Java controls in platform applications. It includes the following sections:

What Are Java Controls?

Java controls are reusable components you can use anywhere within a platform application. You can use built-in controls provided with WebLogic Workshop, or you can create your own.

Note: In previous versions, controls were represented as CTRL files. While applications built with these controls are still supported, they are deprecated for future versions. You should build new applications with Java controls based on the new model.

Uses for Java controls. The framework that supports Java controls is flexible, supporting a wide variety of uses for controls. Java controls can:

  • Contain business logic you want to keep separate from other application code, or which may be reused.
  • Provide access to resources such as databases or other resources.
  • Collect logic that coordinates multiple actions, such as those that involve multiple database queries, calls to Enterprise JavaBeans (with the EJB control), and so on. A control participates in the implicit transaction of a conversational container, such as a web service that is conversational.
Built-in and custom Java controls. WebLogic Workshop provides several built-in controls, and you can build your own.
  • WebLogic Workshop provides several built-in controls, mostly designed to provide access to resources. For example, you can use the EJB control for access to Enterprise JavaBeans, the JMS control for access to the Java Message Service, and so on. For more information about the built-in controls, see Using Built-In Java Controls.
  • You can build your own controls that are based on the same framework on which built-in controls are based. You design a custom control from the ground up, designing its interface and business logic, adding other controls as needed. You can design a custom control for use in one project, or you can design a custom control for easy reuse in multiple projects. For more information about the custom controls, see Building Custom Java Controls. The tutorial, Tutorial: Java Control, provides a hands-on introduction to building custom controls. Much of this topic also includes information on building your own controls.

Java Controls in the IDE

Built-in Java controls, and custom Java controls that have been set up for use in multiple projects, are listed in the WebLogic Workshop Data Palette. By default, the Data Palette is displayed in the lower-right corner of the IDE. You can add new controls to a design by clicking the Data Palette's Add menu, as shown here:

When a control is in your design, its methods and callbacks are also listed in the palette. You can also drag methods and callbacks onto your design to create "pass-through" methods. A pass-through is a shortcut way to call a control's method from your current design.

Java controls appear in Design View, but will look slightly different depending on the file type you are designing with. The following illustrations show a custom (POVerify) and built-in (EJB control) Java control in various types of component source files.

Controls in a web service (JWS) design:

Controls in a JavaServer Pages (JSP) design:

Controls in a Java page flow (JPF) action view:

Controls in a Java control (JCS) design:

Building Custom Java Controls

You can build your own Java controls. Java controls you build are like those provided with WebLogic Workshop in that they provide a way to encapsulate business logic or access a resource, and yet expose a simple interface. However, unlike controls that are built into WebLogic Workshop, where you have access to an interface that extends the source, you can use your own control source files nested within the project that accesses the control. This makes Java controls particularly useful as containers for code that should reside in the same project but which is best kept separate.

Ways to Think About Custom Controls

Local controls and control projects. You can use controls locally as source, or group them into control projects.

  • A control is said to be local when its source files reside in the same project as the code that uses the control. This is the simplest way to use Java controls. You can create a JCS file, add methods and callbacks to it, then call the methods from code in the same project. This is most likely the way you will use Java controls you create. For step-by-step instructions on creating and using local Java controls, see How Do I: Create and Use a Custom Java Control Within an Existing Project? You might also be interested in Tutorial: Java Control. For examples of local controls, see the SamplesApp application installed with WebLogic Workshop; there, look in the WebServices project, in its localControls subfolder.
  • Control projects provide a way to group related controls, and to package them for distribution among multiple projects. You create a control project just as you would other kinds of projects, then add files for your controls. The result of a control project is a JAR file you can distribute for use in any WebLogic Workshop application. By default, building a control project will automatically copy the resulting JAR to the Libraries folder of the application containing the project. Tutorial: Java Control includes information about packaging controls into a control project. The ControlProject project in the SamplesApp application installed with WebLogic Workshop is an example of a control project. For step-by-step instructions on beginning a control project, see How Do I: Create and Use a Java Control Within a Control Project?

Regular and customizable controls. Some controls provide a static interface, some are customizable.

  • Most of the custom controls you build will probably be regular controls. They don't provide a customizable interface. That is, their interface is already defined when an application developer adds them to an application. In this way, a regular control is like a library of reusable code. The built-in Timer control is an example of a regular control, as are the controls whose source code is included in the SamplesApp application installed with WebLogic Workshop.
  • Most of the built-in controls provided with WebLogic Workshop are customizable controls. That is, when you add a new one to a project, WebLogic Workshop generates a JCX file that extends the control. In some cases, such as with the Database control or JMS control, you can customize the control by adding or editing methods defined in the JCX file. Others are customized for you, as with the EJB control, which is customized based on the EJB the control will be accessing. Building customizable custom controls is an advanced subject beyond the scope of this documentation. For an example of a customizable custom control, see the JcxCreate sample in the ControlDevKit sample application available with WebLogic Workshop.

Working with Java Control Sources

Design view for custom controls. You begin building a Java control much as you would start building other WebLogic Workshop components. After you create a Java control source (JCS) file, Design View provides a space in which you can create a visual representation of your control's interface as well as the controls it may itself be using. The Java control design space is very much like the web service design space. The left side displays operations that will be visible to the control's clients, while the right side displays nested controls.

Note: You have easy access to a control's source file when the source is in the same project as the design you're editing. When you are building a web service, page flow, or Java control that includes a control whose source is in the same project, you can double-click the control at the right side of the design to open its JCS.

When you add a new Java control source file to a project, WebLogic Workshop also adds a JAVA file that contains the control's public interface. By default, as you work in the JCS file, adding methods, callbacks, and implementation code, WebLogic Workshop keeps the interface in sync. For example, adding an operation to the JCS will also add a corresponding method to the JAVA file. Note that the JAVA file will be kept in sync only with respect to those methods with an @common:operation annotation. This means that if you add a method to the JCS, then remove it's @common:operation annotation, WebLogic Workshop will remove the method from the JAVA file.

For step-by-step information on beginning a Custom Java control, see How Do I: Begin a New Custom Java Control. You might also be interested in How Do I: Create and Use a Custom Java Control Within an Existing Project?

Properties for Java controls. Controls you create can expose properties. For example, the Database control provides properties that specify its database connection, log category name, and so on.

You define properties by creating an annotation XML file that describes them. You then associate the file with the control source code through the JCS file's control-tags property. When a developer is using the control, setting its properties, the settings are saved as annotations in the developer's code.

For step-by-step information on defining control properties, see How Do I: Define Properties for a Java Control?

IDE characteristics for a control. You can define certain IDE characteristics for your Java control. These include the icon that represents it in palettes and menus (and whether it is displayed in the palette at all), its description in the Property Editor, and so on. You'll find settings for these characteristics in the JCS file's jc-jar property. For more information, see How Do I: Specify IDE Characteristics for a Java Control?

Testing Java controls. While you can't "run" a JCS file in Test View, as you can with the similar JWS file, WebLogic Workshop does provide a shortcut for easy testing. You can generate a JWS file through which you can exercise the control's code as you're writing it. For more information, see How Do I: Generate a JWS File to Test a Java Control?

Keep in mind that testing isn't complete until you've tried out the control in all the scenarios you expect it to support. Whether the control's container is likely to be a JWS file, a JSP file, or a JPF file, it's a good idea to build a test application that uses your control for the purpose for which you've designed it.

Invoking a Control Method

Once you've added a Java control to your application, you can invoke the methods of the Java control from Source view using the standard Java dot notation. For example, assume that you have added the CustomerDb Java control and declared a variable for the control as custDb, and that the control defines a method as follows:

String [] getAllCustomerNames()

You can invoke this method from your code as follows:

String [] custNames;

custNames = custDb.getAllCustomerNames();

Overriding Control Property Settings

Note that when you declare a control (a JCS or JCX file) within a client you can override the control's default properties.

Suppose you have a database control with the connection property defined so that the data-source-jndi-name attribute points at the data source dataSource.


     * @jc:connection data-source-jndi-name="dataSource" 
    public interface DBControl extends com.bea.control.ControlExtension, DatabaseControl 

The database control is declared with its default properties in the following way.


  	 * @common:control
	private DatabaseControl dbControl;	

To override the default connection property on the database control, use the following declaration.

  	 * @common:control
	 * @jc:connection data-source-jndi-name="myOtherDataSource"
	private DatabaseControl dbControl;	

In the above declaration, the database control will use myOtherDataSource instead of its default dataSource. This override value will apply to all method calls from within MyWebService.jws.

There are two important caveats when overriding control properties in this way.

(1) The property must be at the class level, not the method level. Only those properties that are scoped to the entire control class may be overriden in this way.

(2) The override occurs at the property level, not at the attribute level. It not possible to override only a single attribute on a property. You must override all of the property's attribute values. For example, suppose that the connection property had three attributes instead of just one.


     * @jc:connection data-source-jndi-name="dataSource" attribute2="value2" attribute3="value3"
    public interface DBControl extends com.bea.control.ControlExtension, DatabaseControl

In this case, when you override the connection property, you override all of that property's attributes, not merely the data-source-jndi-name attribute. In short, the following override sets the data-source-jndi-name attribute to myOtherDataSource and attribute2 and attribute3 to null.


  	 * @common:control
	 * @jc:connection data-source-jndi-name="myOtherDataSource"
	private DatabaseControl dbControl;	

For this reason, you should specify all of the attributes when you override a control property.

  	 * @common:control
	 * @jc:connection data-source-jndi-name="myOtherDataSource" attribute2="otherVal2"
	private DatabaseControl dbControl;	

Handling Control Method Exceptions

The designer of a Java control may choose whether or not to explicitly declare that exceptions are thrown by the control's methods. If a control method is declared to throw exceptions, you must enclose your invocations of that method in a try-catch block.

Even if the designer of the control chooses not to declare exceptions, the support code that implements the control can still throw exceptions. The type of exception thrown is com.bea.control.ControlException.

You should strongly consider handling all control exceptions that may be thrown by the controls you use in a web service. If you do not handle the exception, the web service method will fail and the exception will be passed on to the client of your web service. In most cases, the exception is useless to the client and the client does not have the necessary information to diagnose or remedy the problem.

Control Factories: Managing Collections of Controls

This topic describes control factories, which are collections of built-in or custom Java control instances.

What Is a Control Factory?

A control factory allows a single application to manage multiple instances of the same control.

For example, imagine a credit approval application that accepts batches of approval requests (one per applicant) and uses an external web service, via a Web Service control, to evaluate the requests. The application could use a control factory to create multiple instances of the Service control and dispatch requests to the Service control instances in parallel. If the control uses callbacks, a single parameterized callback handler in the calling application handles the callbacks received from all of the control instances.

You can only use control factories within a Java Web Service (JWS) or Java Process Definition (JPD) file. For more information on building Java Web Services with WebLogic Workshop, see Building Web Services. For more information on using JPD files, see Guide to Building Business Processes.

Automatically Generated Factory Classes

For any control interface called MyControl, WebLogic Server generates a control factory interface called MyControlFactory that has the following very simple shape:

interface MyControlFactory
     MyControl create();

The implicit factory class is located in the same package as the control class; that is, if the full classname of the control interface is com.myco.mypackage.MyControl, then the full classname of the factory is com.myco.mypackage.MyControlFactory. An automatic factory class is not generated if there is a name conflict (i.e., if there is already an explicit user class called MyControlFactory.). Therefore, if you want WebLogic Workshop to automatically generate factory classes for a built-in or custom control, make sure that the name of that control does not end with the word "Factory".

A control factory instance can be included in a file just as a control instance can, with the same Javadoc annotation preceding the factory declaration that would precede a single control declaration.

For example, an ordinary Web Service control is declared as follows:

    * @common:control
   MyServiceControl oneService;

Meanwhile, a Web Service control factory is declared as follows:

    * @common:control
  MyServiceControlFactory manyServices;

Note again that the set of annotations allowed and required on a factory are exactly the same as the set of annotations on the corresponding control. The factory behaves as if those annotations were on every instance created by the factory.

Once an application includes a control factory declaration, a new instance of a single control can be created as follows:

   // creates one control
   MyServiceControl c = manyServices.create();

   // then you can just use the control, store it, or whatever.

   // For example, let's associate a name with the service...
   serviceMap.put("First Service", c);

Factory classes are automatically generated on-demand, as follows. When resolving a class named FooFactory:

  1. First the class is resolved normally. For example, if there is a CLASS file or JAVA file or JCX file that contains a definition for FooFactory, then the explicitly defined class is used.
  2. If there is no explicit class FooFactory, then, since the classname ends in "Factory", we remove the suffix and look for an explicit class called Foo (in the same package).
  3. If Foo is found but does not implement the Control interface (i.e., is not annotated with @common:control), it's considered an error (as if Foo were never found).
  4. However, if Foo is found and implements the Control interface, then the interface FooFactory is automatically created; the interface contains only the single create() method that returns the Foo class.
All instances of the control are destroyed when the application instance that created them is destroyed.

Parameterized Callback Handlers

Since there may be multiple controls that were created with a single control factory, and they all have the same instance name, a mechanism is provided to enable you to tell which instance of the control is sending a callback.

For example, for the oneService example above, an event handler still has the following form:

    void oneService_onSomeCallback(String arg)
        System.out.println("arg is " + arg);

For callback handlers that are receiving callbacks from factory-created control instances, the callback handler must take an extra first parameter that is in addition to the ordinary parameters of the callback. The first parameter is typed as the control interface, and the control instance is passed to the event handler.

The manyServices factory callback handler looks like this:

   void manyServices_onSomeCallback(MyServiceControl c, String arg)
       // let's retrieve the remembered name associated with the control
       String serviceName = (String)serviceMap.get(c);

       // and print it out
       System.out.println("Event received from " + serviceName);

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