.NET (dotnet)
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software component that can be added to or is included with Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides a large body of pre-coded solutions to common program requirements, and manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The .NET Framework is a key Microsoft offering, and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.
A Microsoft operating system platform that incorporates applications, a suite of tools and services and a change in the infrastructure of the company's Web strategy.
ASP.NET is a set of web application development technologies marketed by Microsoft.
Microsoft has completely rebuilt ASP.NET, based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) shared by all Microsoft .NET applications.
Programmers can write ASP.NET code using any of the different programming languages supported by the .NET Framework, usually C#, Visual Basic.NET, or JScript .NET, but also including open-source languages such as Perl and Python.
.Net Mobile
MMIT : Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit (.NET Mobile)
An extension of the .NET framework providing a simple and a quick way to build Wireless applications.
Here it is possible to build a Wireless application using any of the framework services like Web Services, ADO .NET�
C# : C Sharp
Before we start explaining what .Net is? Lets discuss about Internet on business organization. There are three phases of Internet.
.NET is the Microsoft Web services strategy to connect information, people, systems,and devices through software.
Integrated across the Microsoft platform, .NET technology provides the ability to quickly build, deploy, manage, and use connected, security-enhanced solutions with Web services.
ADO.NET-Active-x Data Objects.NET
ADO.NET is an object-oriented set of libraries that allows you to interact with the data sources.
Here we will look at ADO.NET as a way to interact with a data base.
ADO.NET is the new database technology of the .NET platform, and it builds on Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). ADO is alanguage-neutral object model that is the keystone of Microsoft's Universal Data Access strategy.
VB.NET-Visual Basic.NET
The next generation of Visual Basic,Visual Basic .NET is designed to be the easiest and most productive tool for creating .NET applications, including Windows applications, Web Services, and Web applications.
Visual Basic .NET also allows optional use of new language features.
Visual C++ 2008 provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating Microsoft Windows�based and
Microsoft .NET�based applications. You can use it in an integrated development system, or you can use individual tools.
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