Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is an office suite from Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X operating systems. Along with core office applications, it includes associated servers and web-based services. Recent versions of Office are referred as "Office system".
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is part of the Microsoft Office. Its main function is for producing documents that can includes text, graphics, table, clip art, etc.
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook provides a single, integrated solution for organizing and managing your digital communication tools such as e-mail and
instant messaging, along with all your day-to-day information from calendars and
contacts to task lists and notes.
Microsoft PowerPoint
The Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the Microsoft Office suites of programs.
It primary function is to produce presentation materials.
To start a PowerPoint program
Click on the Start button, point to Programs, follow by
Microsoft Office and click on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003.
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Publisher 2000 helps you easily create, customize, and publish
materials such as newsletters, brochures, flyers, catalogs, and Web sites.
Publish easily on your desktop printer
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office Excel is an advanced computer-based spreadsheet, which is used to store data in columns and rows which can then be organized and/or processed. Spreadsheet is simply a sheet that contains many columns and rows.
Microsoft Front Page
When you tell your geek friends that you're using FrontPage to create your Web site, you're likely to get disparaging looks, if not outright howls at your Web naivet�. The truth is, FrontPage has a tarnished reputation with most Web professionals. Older versions of the program spat out messy and overloaded HTML code, which meant that pages would take a long time to load in most Web browsers or not even load at all.
Microsoft InfoPath
Use Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 to design a form that's connected to a Microsoft Office Access 2003 database. Give form users the ability to add records to the database by typing them into the form, and to use the form to query the database for stored data that can be updated in the form.
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access is a powerful program to create
and manage your databases. It has many built in features to assist you in
constructing and viewing your information. Access is much more involved and
is a more genuine database application than other programs such as Microsoft
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