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Books for Assembly Language

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1. Professional Assembly Language ~~ Adobe Reader PDF eBook

Every high level language program (such as C and C++) is converted by a compiler into assembly language before it is linked into an executable program. This book shows you how to view the assembly language code generated by the compiler and understand how it is created. With that knowledge you can tweak the assembly language code generated by the compiler or create your own assembly language routines. This code-intensive guide is divided into three sections - basics of the assembly language program development environment, assembly language programming, and advanced assembly language techniques. It shows how to decipher the compiler-generated assembly language code, and how to make functions in your programs faster and more efficient to increase the performance of an application. What you will learn from this book: -The benefits of examining the assembly language code generated from your high-level language program -How to create stand-alone assembly language programs for the Linux Pentium environment -Ways to incorporate advanced functions and libraries in assembly language programs -How to incorporate assembly language routines in your C and C++ applications -Ways to use Linux system calls in your assembly language programs -How to utilize Pentium MMX and SSE functions in your applications

2. Professional Assembly Language

Every high level language program (such as C and C++) is converted by a compiler into assembly language before it is linked into an executable program. This book shows you how to view the assembly language code generated by the compiler and understand how it is created. With that knowledge you can tweak the assembly language code generated by the compiler or create your own assembly language routines. This code-intensive guide is divided into three sections - basics of the assembly language program development environment, assembly language programming, and advanced assembly language techniques. It shows how to decipher the compiler-generated assembly language code, and how to make functions in your programs faster and more efficient to increase the performance of an application. What you will learn from this book: -The benefits of examining the assembly language code generated from your high-level language program -How to create stand-alone assembly language programs for the Linux Pentium environment -Ways to incorporate advanced functions and libraries in assembly language programs -How to incorporate assembly language routines in your C and C++ applications -Ways to use Linux system calls in your assembly language programs -How to utilize Pentium MMX and SSE functions in your applications

3. Machine Language For Beginners contains links to thousands of free online technical books. Which Include core computer science, networking, programming languages, systems programming books, linux books and many more. You are welcome to follow the following links for the free books tour..

4. 80x8687 Assembly Language Tutorial

Assembly language was once the only language that existed for programming computers. That was before it was used to build the first compiler. A compiler is in fact nothing but an automated assembly programmer. Then why would you still want to learn assembly? Well, here are some reasons: Speed. Compilers will probably never be as smart as you and me. That's why you can produce code that is much faster by manually compiling the code. Especially since the introduction of the multi-pipeline Intel Pentium processor family, you can get enormous speed-ups by smart choice of instructions and instruction order. Special Tricks. Some things are simply impossible to code using a compiler, while in assembly language you can do about anything you can think of. This property has been used extensively by virus programmers. They use assembly language to let the program continuously rewrite itself, encode itself, copy the code to a secret spot in memory and infiltrate into the operating system in order to deny it's own existence. Regarding virus programming, I wish to emphasize that I myself never created a virus, never released it, never forgot to enable the safety switch when debugging a virus and never had to re-install my computer after such 'accidents'.

5. The Art of Assembly Language Programming (Randall Hyde)

The Art of Assembly Language Programming (AoA), Randy Hyde's acclaimed text on assembly language programming, is the most-often recommended book on 80x86 assembly language programming in newsgroups, on web sites, and by word of mouth. Why? Well, here are a few reasons: * AoA is comprehensive, * AoA is easy to read and understand, * AoA has had over 10 years refinement, * AoA teaches the fundamentals one must know to be considered an assembly language programmer, and * AoA was written by a recognized expert in x86 assembly language programming. With four different editions available, you'll find a version of AoA that's just right for you!

6. The Art of Assembly Language Programming (Randall Hyde)Mirror

The Art of Assembly Language Programming (Randall Hyde)Mirror

7. The Art of Assembly Language Programming (Randall Hyde)PDF

The Art of Assembly Language Programming (Randall Hyde)PDF

8. Programmed Introduction to MIPS Assembly Language

This is a course in assembly language programming of the MIPS processor. It emphasizes the topics needed for study of computer architecture: bits, bit patterns, operations on bit patterns, and how bit patterns represent instructions and data. This course is equivalent to a semester-long junior college or university course (except, perhaps, for the emphasis on bit patterns). The emphasis of the course is on understanding how computers work. This will provide a basis for further study of computer architecture and computer software. The MIPS processor, the subject of this course, has a well designed architecture and is particularly fruitful to study. However, the goal of the course is not to turn you into a MIPS programmer, but to give you an understanding of all computer systems. The only equipment you need for this course is a PC. The only software you need is the SPIM simulator of the MIPS32 processor and a text editor. The simulator is available by free download (see appendix A). Example programs are presented using an MS Windows operating system. However, you can use any platform that runs SPIM. (There are many). Assembly Language is normally taken the semester after a course in a high level programming language (such as Java or C). This course assumes that you have this background although no specific programming language is required. Read the pages of this course actively. Think about and answer the question at the bottom of each page. (This style of tutorial is called programmed learning. It is very effective for technical material). Most questions call for just a little thought. Some call for pencil and paper. Keep a pencil and a scrap of paper next to your keyboard. Each chapter is about 15 pages long. Spend several minutes per page. You can read each chapter in about 30 minutes. However, for maximum benefit, you should run some of the example programs, write some programs of your own, and then think about your results. This may take several hours.

9. PC Assembly Language

I taught Computer Science at the University of Central Oklahoma for 10 years. During this time I taught an introductory course in PC Assembly Language programming. I grew frustrated at teaching 16-bit real mode programming and decided to change to 32-bit protected mode. However, I soon ran into a problem. I could not find a textbook that covered 32-bit protected mode assembly programming! So, I decided to write my own. I also did not want students to have to go out and buy expensive software for the course. I decided to base the course on the free NASM (Netwide Assembler) and the free GNU gcc compiler (however, any 32-bit C compiler would work). Another advantage of these choices was that students could use Windows, Linux or FreeBSD to develop on. (In fact, I use Linux for my main development platform.) Over one summer I wrote the bulk of this textbook and developed the examples using LaTeX. I made a feeble attempt to get the book published and then decided to publish it myself online for free. Why? To return something back to the developer community. I have used many open source products and wanted to make a modest contribution of my own.

10. Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language

Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language

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