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1. Protocols and Standards

Web browsers communicate with Web servers primarily using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) to fetch webpages. HTTP allows Web browsers to submit information to Web servers as well as fetch Web pages from them. The most commonly used HTTP is HTTP/1.1, which is fully defined in RFC 2616. HTTP/1.1 has its own required standards that Internet Explorer does not fully support, but most other current-generation Web browsers do.

Pages are located by means of a URL (uniform resource locator, RFC 1738 ), which is treated as an address, beginning with http: for HTTP access. Many browsers also support a variety of other URL types and their corresponding protocols, such as gopher: for Gopher (a hierarchical hyperlinking protocol), ftp: for FTP (file transfer protocol), rtsp: for RTSP (real-time streaming protocol), and https: for HTTPS (an SSL encrypted version of HTTP).

The file format for a Web page is usually HTML (hyper-text markup language) and is identified in the HTTP protocol using a MIME content type. Most browsers natively support a variety of formats in addition to HTML, such as the JPEG, PNG and GIF image formats, and can be extended to support more through the use of plugins. The combination of HTTP content type and URL protocol specification allows Web page designers to embed images, animations, video, sound, and streaming media into a Web page, or to make them accessible through the Web page.

Early Web browsers supported only a very simple version of HTML. The rapid development of proprietary Web browsers led to the development of non-standard dialects of HTML, leading to problems with Web interoperability. Modern Web browsers support a combination of standards- and defacto-based HTML and XHTML, which should display in the same way across all browsers. No browser fully supports HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.x or CSS 2.1 yet. Currently many sites are designed using WYSIWYG HTML generation programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage. Microsoft FrontPage often generates non-standard HTML by default, hindering the work of the W3C in developing standards, specifically with XHTML and CSS (cascading style sheets, used for page layout). Dreamweaver and other more modern Microsoft HTML development tools such as Microsoft Expression Web and Microsoft Visual Studio conform to the W3C standards.

Some of the more popular browsers include additional components to support Usenet news, IRC (Internet relay chat), and e-mail. Protocols supported may include NNTP (network news transfer protocol), SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol), IMAP (Internet message access protocol), and POP (post office protocol). These browsers are often referred to as Internet suites or application suites rather than merely Web browsers.

2. Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Based Web Browsers

Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape and other related browsers also save the Internet activity using a similar method to IE. Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox save the web activity in a file named history.dat. One significant difference between a history.dat file and an index.dat file is that a history.dat file is saved in an ASCII format rather than binary. This makes reviewing the file simpler than the corresponding IE file. The second difference with the history.dat file is that it does not link web site activity with cached web pages. Therefore, we cannot readily assemble views of web pages Joe visited in the same manner that we can with IE.

Firefox files are located in the following directory:

\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<random text>\history.dat

Mozilla/Netscape history files are found in the following directory:

\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\<profile name>\<random text>\history.dat

The process of reconstructing web activity manually can be quite tedious. Fortunately, there are several tools, both free and commercial, that streamline this process considerably. The following sections present some of these tools. Please follow along with the web activity data you downloaded in the introduction to this article, and use the tools mentioned in this article to reconstruct the analysis.

3. Web Browser Protocol Support

All web browsers must support the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) protocol. HTML is now in its 4th edition, and all recent web browsers should support HTML4.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a protocol which enables web designers to quickly build attractive web pages by separating design from content. CSS1 is supported by most modern web browsers. CSS2 support is lacking in some browsers, specifically Microsoft Internet Explorer.


XHTML (eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language) represents a merger of HTML and XML (Extensible Markup Language). XHTML has been an accepted standard since 2000, but support for XHTML is still not present in all web browsers.


RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a relatively new standard which enables web content providers to syndicate content and make it available for distribution on other web sites. Web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Safari support the RSS protocol.

4. Graphical and Text WebBrowsers

Most web browsers provide a graphical interface to the web. These browsers include Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Netscape Navigator, and Konqueror.


A few web browsers provide only a text interface to the web. These browsers provide higher performance on low bandwidth links and support a much wider range of hardware than graphical web browsers. Popular browsers in this category include Lynx and e-links.

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